Μπέτυ Βαλάση: Η τηλεοπτική «Λωξάντρα» πάσχει από άνοια και ζει στο «Σπίτι του αγωνιστή» – Η συνάντηση με τον Κουτσούμπα

by time news

Beloved Greek actress​ Betty Valasi, renowned for her role as “Loxandra” in the popular television series, is currently facing serious health challenges. Her son, Nikolaos Harry Minissalli, revealed that since 2009, he has ‍been living with her and gradually noticed troubling signs of cognitive decline. Medical professionals have diagnosed her with dementia, a condition that has left Valasi struggling too comprehend her situation while attempting to maintain her daily routine. Concerns for her safety ⁢have escalated, with family members fearing‌ for her well-being at home. Valasi is now residing at the “Home of the Fighter” institution,⁢ where she continues to⁣ receive care.px;height:auto” srcset=”https://www.topontiki.gr/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/valasi4-768×1024.jpg 768w,https://www.topontiki.gr/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/valasi4-225×300.jpg 225w, https://www.topontiki.gr/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/valasi4-1152×1536.jpg 1152w, https://www.topontiki.gr/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/valasi4.jpg 1350w” sizes=”(max-width: 768px) 100vw, 768px”/>

Από εκεί και πέρα άρχισε να⁤ ξεχνάει λειτουργίες. Σταμάτησε‍ να τρώει, κατέβηκε στα 42 κιλά. Κατάφερνα κάθε μέρα και έτρωγε αυτό που μπορούσε να τη διατηρήσει  ​για την ημέρα. Κάποια⁤ στιγμή είχε υποστεί και ένα ‍ εγκεφαλικό επεισόδιο.‌ Η ⁤Μπέτυ Βαλάση πέρασε 5-6 εγκεφαλικά.⁤ Από όταν ​έγινε ⁤το πρώτο εγκεφαλικό εγώ τσακώθηκα με τη ​μάνα μου γιατί‍ της⁣ είπα ότι πρέπει να πάει να κάνει αποκατάσταση και εκείνη​ δεν ήθελε γιατί ⁣το όνειρό της ήταν να παίξει στην Επίδαυρο τραγωδία. Όλο της το άγχος ήταν να μην τινάξει την παράσταση στον αέρα».

Οι μοναδικοί που έδειξαν ενδιαφέρον ⁣και βοήθησαν ⁢ήταν ο Δημήτρης Κουτσούμπας και το ΚΚΕ. Του τηλεφώνησα και τον ενημέρωσα και μετά από ενάμισι μήνα με πήρε τηλέφωνο και μου είπε: «Υπάρχει​ το «Σπίτι του αγωνιστή», ένας χώρος που έχουμε τους ανθρώπους μας. Πήγε εκεί ⁣και από τότε ζει και είναι και κοινωνική, περπατάει, κατεβαίνει να φάει στην ⁣τραπεζαρία, δεν είναι μια κατάσταση, είμαι στο κρεβάτι από το πρωί ως το βράδυ και περιμένω να πεθάνω».

Έχει ένα‍ δωμάτιο δικό της και το αποκαλεί ⁣«το σπίτι⁢ μου». Νιώθει ασφάλεια ⁢εκεί,την φροντίζουν,την ⁢βλέπω⁣ συχνά. Πηγαίνουμε κι εμείς και την βλέπουμε, το παιδί να δει τη ⁣γιαγιά» είπε⁢ ο γιος της ηθοποιού.

Διαβάστε επίσης:

Πολύωρη χειρουργική επέμβαση στον Αρχιεπίσκοπο ⁤Αλβανίας Αναστάσιο, επέστρεψε στη ΜΕΘ

Πού οφείλεται το πέπλο ομίχλης που «σκέπασε» την Αττική ‑ Η εξήγηση του κ. Τσατραφύλλια στο topontiki.gr

Άλιμος: Προφυλακίστηκε ο 52χρονος ⁤καθηγητής για ασέλγειIn a compelling reflection on the trial of Socrates, Plato’s “Apology” highlights the philosopher’s defense against charges of ‌impiety and corrupting the youth.Accused by Meletos, Anytos, and Lycon, Socrates stands firm in his beliefs, showcasing his moral integrity and commitment to truth. As⁣ a devoted pupil, Plato not only ⁣seeks to vindicate his mentor but also to illuminate the ⁤profound philosophical principles that Socrates championed. This‍ timeless dialog continues to ⁣resonate, inviting ‌readers to explore the depths of ethical reasoning and ⁢the importance of questioning societal norms. For those interested‍ in delving deeper into ⁤this classic work,the full text is available on platforms like LibriVox [[1]].
Time.news Editor: Thank you for joining us today. Given the recent developments​ surrounding Betty Valasi, a beloved Greek actress, I think it’s important to discuss the implications of​ her health challenges, especially her diagnosis of dementia. Her son, Nikolaos Harry Minissalli, has been living with her sence 2009 and has observed troubling signs of cognitive decline. What can you tell us about dementia and its impact on ‍individuals, particularly ‌those in the public eye?

Expert: Thank you for​ having me. Dementia is a complex neurological⁣ condition that affects cognition, memory, and the ability ​to carry⁤ out daily tasks.In the case of someone like Betty Valasi, who is not ‍only a public figure but also⁤ a cultural icon, the challenges are ​magnified. The stress of managing a public persona while coping with cognitive decline can be overwhelming.

Time.news ⁣editor: That’s true. Valasi is especially known for her role as “Loxandra,” which has left a lasting impression in Greek pop culture.This dual role—as a beloved figure in the arts⁤ and‌ as someone struggling with ⁢health issues—raises ‍questions about public ⁤perception versus private struggle. How do you think ‍the media and public ⁤can best support individuals like her during such challenging times?

Expert: It’s essential for the media to approach this situation with sensitivity and compassion.⁣ The public often idolizes‍ celebrities, which can create unrealistic expectations about thier lives. With someone dealing with dementia,it’s crucial to focus on their human experience rather than solely their status as a celebrity. Encouraging education around dementia and its impacts‍ can help​ destigmatize the​ condition, fostering ⁤understanding and support from the community.

Time.news Editor: Indeed, raising awareness is vital. Nikolaos Harry Minissalli’s‌ commitment to caring for his mother also highlights the personal toll‌ that caregiving can take. What advice would you give to families who are navigating ​similar situations?

Expert: Caregiving⁣ can be incredibly challenging. It’s critically important for caregivers to seek support—whether through local groups, online communities, or professional ⁢resources. They⁤ must also prioritize their own well-being to provide the ⁤best care possible. Education about dementia can equip caregivers with strategies to manage daily challenges, and also knowlege about what to expect‍ as the condition progresses.

Time.news Editor: That’s valuable advice. As we discuss Betysi Valasi’s situation, it’s essential to keep‍ the conversation focused on compassion and awareness. How can‍ society at large contribute to changing the narrative surrounding dementia and‌ those affected by it?

Expert: One of the biggest steps society can ⁣take is fostering conversations that promote understanding rather than fear. Public campaigns that highlight the realities ‌of living with‌ dementia can help break down barriers. Additionally, encouraging intergenerational engagement can definitely help bridge the gap between those with dementia and ​younger populations, cultivating empathy and​ support. By telling stories—like those of Valasi and families like hers—we humanize the experience and make it relatable.

Time.news Editor: Thank you for sharing your insights. In light of ‍Betty Valasi’s health challenges, it is indeed heartening to see how public discussions can lead to greater awareness and support‍ for those struggling with dementia, not just in Greece but globally.Let’s hope⁤ for her wellbeing and continued awareness of the issues ‌she faces alongside her family.

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