ΥΠΕΝ: Άνοιξε η πλατφόρμα για το «Εξοικονομώ 2025» – Στις 13/1 οι αιτήσεις για το «Αλλάζω Θερμοσίφωνα» (upd) | Ειδήσεις για την Οικονομία

by time news

The‌ “Exoikonomo 2025” program has officially launched, allowing ⁢homeowners to apply for energy efficiency ​upgrades through the website exoikonomo2025.gov.gr⁤ until March 20, 2025. With a total budget of €434 million, the initiative ​aims to support primary residences, offering ⁢subsidies ranging from 50% to⁤ 100% and a‌ maximum funding cap of €35,000. ⁣Eligible expenses‌ include window ⁢replacements, insulation​ improvements, heating and cooling system‌ upgrades,⁤ and the installation of ‌renewable ​energy‌ systems for hot water. This program ‍represents a significant opportunity for homeowners to enhance their properties’ energy ⁤performance while contributing⁤ to sustainability efforts.The Greek government is set to ⁤launch⁤ the “Change Heating⁣ System ‌and Water Heater” ‌program on Monday,⁢ January 13, aimed at ⁣supporting households in upgrading to modern energy-efficient solutions.⁢ This initiative will provide financial assistance for the installation of new solar water ⁢heaters and ⁢advanced ⁣heat ‍pump systems, promoting lasting energy practices. Additionally, participants‍ in the “Exoikonomo 2025” program can benefit from a 100% subsidized loan to cover their personal contribution, ‌ensuring that energy-saving upgrades are accessible⁣ to more families. This program is part of ‌a broader effort to enhance‍ energy efficiency across the country.The Greek government has launched a ⁢new initiative aimed at enhancing energy efficiency in households through the “Change Heating System and Water Heater” program. with a total budget of €223.2 million, the⁢ program allocates⁤ €44.6 million specifically for energy-vulnerable⁤ households, providing financial support​ for the installation of modern solar water heaters and heat pump systems. Additionally, it⁢ offers the option to ⁣replace outdated, energy-intensive electric heaters. This initiative not only aims to improve the energy performance of homes but also ⁢seeks to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and biomass for heating, ultimately leading to significant energy savings and cost reductions ⁢for families.α, τα οποία⁣ επιβαρύνουν την ατμόσφαιρα με αιωρούμενα σωματίδια.

Μέσω του «Αλλάζω Σύστημα Θέρμανσης και Θερμοσίφωνα» επιχορηγείται:

  • Η αγορά νέου ηλιακού θερμοσίφωνα σύγχρονης τεχνολογίας, σε ποσοστό από ​50% ή 60%, με το ακριβές ποσοστό να διαμορφώνεται⁣ βάσει εισοδηματικών κριτηρίων.
  • Η αγορά νέου συστήματος αντλίας θερμότητας, σε​ ποσοστό⁢ 50%.
  • Η​ εκτέλεση αναγκαίων συμπληρωματικών εργασιών τοποθέτησης επιλέξιμου εξοπλισμού (π.χ. κόστος μεταφοράς, κόστος τοποθέτησης, αναλώσιμα και εξαρτήματα κ.λπ.), σε ποσοστό 50% ή 60% (αναλόγως των ​εισοδηματικών​ κριτηρίων).

Το πρόγραμμα απευθύνεται σε νοικοκυριά που επιθυμούν να τοποθετήσουν τον ⁢παραπάνω επιλέξιμο εξοπλισμό στην οικία ⁣τους (κύρια ή δευτερεύουσα ⁤κατοικία, ενοικιαζόμενη ή παραχωρούμενη).

Στο μεταξύ, στο πλαίσιο του «Αλλάζω Σύστημα Θέρμανσης και ⁢Θερμοσίφωνα», δίνεται έμφαση στους ⁤δυνητικούς ωφελούμενους έτερου ‌προγράμματος, του «Ανακυκλώνω – Αλλάζω Θερμοσίφωνα» με ‌μη⁤ εξαργυρωμένα voucher. Ειδικότερα,καλούνται οι ενδιαφερόμενοι που δεν ​είχαν προβεί σε εξαργύρωση των voucher,να υποβάλουν εκ νέου αίτηση,χρησιμοποιώντας τον ίδιο ΑΦΜ.

Οι ​αιτήσεις ⁤χρηματοδότησης αξιολογούνται συγκριτικά και λαμβάνεται υπόψη⁢ η ύπαρξη ή μη μέλους/μελών ΑμεΑ στην οικογένεια, αν ​η αίτηση ⁤αφορά οικογένειες με τρία ή περισσότερα εξαρτώμενα τέκνα, αν η κατοικία είναι σε ατμοσφαιρικά επιβαρυμένες περιφέρειες (μόνο για το νέο σύστημα αντλίας θερμότητας),⁤ σε περιοχές με υψηλό αριθμό βαθμοημερών.

Οι αιτήσεις χρηματοδότησης από τους⁢ ενδιαφερόμενους θα υποβάλλονται μόνον ηλεκτρονικά έως 31.3.2025 και υποχρεωτικά μέσω του επίσημου⁣ δικτυακού τόπου ‍του προγράμματος ‍(

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Discussion Between Time.news Editor and⁢ Energy Efficiency Expert

Editor: Welcome! The launch of the “Exoikonomo 2025” program is​ exciting ⁤news for homeowners across Greece. Can you provide us with an overview of what this⁣ program entails and its significance?

Expert: Absolutely!‌ The “exoikonomo 2025” program has officially launched and‌ it represents a major initiative aimed at enhancing the energy ⁣efficiency of primary residences in Greece.With a total budget of ⁤€434 ⁢million, this program offers substantial ‍financial support to homeowners. they ⁤can apply⁤ for subsidies ⁢ranging​ from 50% to 100% for eligible upgrades,with‍ a​ maximum funding cap of €35,000. The eligibility criteria include a broad range of improvements such‍ as window replacements, insulation enhancements, heating, and cooling ​system upgrades, and also the installation of renewable⁤ energy⁣ systems for ⁤hot water.

Editor: ⁤ It‌ sounds like this initiative​ could drastically improve energy performance‌ in many homes.⁣ What impact do you think it will have on energy consumption and sustainability efforts in Greece?

Expert: The⁣ impact is expected to‌ be significant. By⁤ enabling homeowners to achieve over ‌a 30% reduction in ‍primary energy consumption ⁣through these upgrades, the “Exoikonomo 2025” program is not just about improving individual households—it’s a step towards national energy efficiency goals.The program aligns well‌ with sustainability⁣ efforts, as it encourages ‍the use of modern energy solutions and renewable sources.⁤ This, in turn, supports Greece’s commitments⁢ to ‍reducing greenhouse gas emissions and transitioning to a more ⁢sustainable energy system.

Editor: in addition to “exoikonomo 2025,”‍ I understand ⁢that there’s another program launching soon,aiming ⁣to replace heating systems and water heaters?

Expert: Yes,that’s correct! ⁢On⁤ January 13,the government will initiate the “Change⁢ Heating System and Water ⁤Heater” program. This program focuses on supporting homeowners in upgrading to energy-efficient⁤ solutions, especially through ⁢the ​installation of new solar water heaters and advanced‍ heat pump systems. These⁢ installations​ not only reduce energy​ costs but also contribute to long-term sustainability by relying ⁣on⁢ renewable energy sources. It’s fantastic to see these ‍complementary programs being ‍rolled out simultaneously.

Editor: What are some of ​the immediate steps homeowners should take if⁤ they want to participate in the “Exoikonomo‍ 2025” program?

Expert: Homeowners interested in the‌ “Exoikonomo 2025” program should‍ start by visiting the official website exoikonomo2025.gov.gr to gather data⁢ on eligibility criteria⁤ and⁢ the​ application process.‍ Since the ​application window runs until ​March 20, 2025, they have a bit of time, but it’s​ wise to prepare. Homeowners ‌should assess ​their ​current energy efficiency and ​consider which upgrades would provide the most benefit. Consultation with professionals in the field can also help identify the best options for energy​ improvements.

Editor: Thank​ you for⁣ your insights! It’s clear that these programs provide ⁢a‍ vital opportunity for homeowners to enhance their living environments and contribute to a greener future for Greece.

Expert: Thank ⁤you for the⁢ discussion! It’s an exciting time for energy efficiency in Greece, and I encourage ‌everyone to explore ⁣these opportunities.

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