[귀하신 몸] Everything about cardiovascular disease, the 2nd leading cause of death in Korea

by times news cr
Reporter Park Yu-mi Photo EBS Precious Body

On Saturday, September 28th at 9:55 PM, the episode ‘Warning about arteriosclerosis, the main culprit of sudden death’ will be broadcast on EBS.

△ Fatal cardiovascular disease that causes sudden death. How to prevent it?

Cardiovascular disease, which is caused by arteriosclerosis accumulating in the heart blood vessels, is a serious disease that ranks as the second leading cause of death in Korea. Representative cardiovascular diseases include angina pectoris and myocardial infarction. In particular, 40% of patients with myocardial infarction have a poor prognosis, with the risk of sudden death, so we must be more careful. The causes of cardiovascular disease are clear. These include high blood pressure, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, smoking, obesity, and stress. If you have three of these, the risk of occurrence is about 13 times higher, and if you have four, it is about 42 times higher. The longer you are exposed to a risk factor, the greater your risk of developing it. However, if you control your risk factors in advance and make an effort to manage a healthy lifestyle, you can fully prevent cardiovascular disease. In the ‘Warning about arteriosclerosis, the main culprit of sudden death’, we reveal how to protect cardiovascular health through diet, exercise, and risk factor management.

△ Yohan, who has an adult disease.
Can we restore the health of clogged blood vessels?

Yohan (39 years old) has been relieving stress by eating snacks and eating fatty meat. I was diagnosed with high blood pressure 10 years ago and hyperlipidemia a year ago, but I thought nothing of it, thinking that all I had to do was take my medication well. Although I had been obese for a long time, I did not do anything to manage my lifestyle habits. However, recently, Yohan has been experiencing abnormal symptoms. The occasional chest pain began to become more frequent. As a result of the test, surprisingly, Johan was diagnosed with early-stage angina pectoris, with 50% atherosclerosis in the coronary arteries. About 50% of the blood vessels are blocked. Will he be able to regain healthy blood vessels by improving his lifestyle in just two weeks?

△ Can clogged and narrowed blood vessels be restored?
Customized solution to prevent ‘arteriosclerosis’ revealed!

Professor Won Kim of the Department of Cardiology (Kyung Hee Medical Center) said that improving bad lifestyle habits is the way to protect blood vessel health. If arteriosclerosis is in the early stages, you can prevent further blockage of blood vessels through efforts to improve lifestyle habits and drug treatment. Clinical nutritionist Lee Ji-eun reveals the right way to eat and foods to watch out for to prevent cardiovascular disease. also revealed a ‘calf exercise method to improve blood circulation’ that can be followed at home and a method of climbing stairs for effective aerobic exercise. Professor Kim Won, clinical nutritionist Lee Ji-eun, and Seo Yong-gon, a health and exercise manager, are the three protagonists who set out to prevent and improve arteriosclerosis through customized solutions from expert Avengers! The amazing changes over two weeks can be seen through EBS at 9:55 pm on the 28th.

EBS’ ‘The main culprit of sudden death, warning of arteriosclerosis’ will be broadcast on EBS 1TV at 9:55 pm on the 28th (Saturday) and can be viewed again on the EBS website.

Reporter Park Yu-mi Photo EBS Precious Body


2024-09-28 10:17:31

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