«Αλλάζω Σύστημα Θέρμανσης και Θερμοσίφωνα»: Στη δημοσιότητα ο Οδηγός του προγράμματος

by time news

the Greek Ministry of Habitat and Energy has‍ officially launched the “Change Heating System and water⁢ Heater” programme, ‍backed ‌by a substantial budget of €223.2 ⁣million. This initiative,formalized through a Joint Ministerial​ Decision (B’ 6969/2024),aims‌ to support households across the country in installing ⁤modern solar water heaters⁣ and heat ⁤pump systems. The program is designed to enhance energy efficiency and promote sustainable heating solutions, reflecting Greece’s commitment ⁤to‍ environmental sustainability and energy transition.The Greek government ‌has launched an innovative initiative under the “RePowerEU” framework, aimed at enhancing energy efficiency in households. The program, part of the National Recovery and ​Resilience⁤ Plan “Greece 2.0,” ​offers financial⁤ support for the installation of modern solar ⁢water heaters and heat ‍pump systems. Additionally, participants can replace outdated, energy-intensive electric heaters,‌ although this replacement is ‍not ‌mandatory for program eligibility.With a total budget of €223.2 million funded by the european Union’s NextGeneration EU, this initiative seeks to promote sustainable energy solutions and ⁣reduce household energy costs across⁣ Greece.The Greek ⁢government has allocated €44.6 million to enhance energy efficiency in vulnerable households through the “Change Heating System and Water⁤ Heater” initiative. This program⁢ aims ‌to reduce ‍energy consumption and promote the use⁤ of renewable energy ⁣sources, thereby decreasing reliance on fossil fuels⁤ and biomass heating systems that contribute to air pollution.⁢ Eligible participants can receive up to 60% funding for ​modern​ solar water heaters and 50% for new heat ⁢pump systems, ⁤with financial ⁣support tailored to income levels. This initiative not only aims to⁤ lower energy⁤ costs⁤ for families but also to ​foster⁢ a cleaner environment by minimizing‌ airborne particulate ​matter.Households looking to upgrade their heating systems and ‌water heaters can now benefit from the “Change Heating ⁣System and Water Heater” program, which offers financial assistance ⁢for eligible⁣ equipment installation in primary or⁢ secondary residences, including rental ‍properties. This initiative ⁤particularly targets potential beneficiaries ​of the “Recycle – Change Water Heater”⁣ program, encouraging those with unredeemed vouchers to reapply using the same⁢ tax identification number. Applications for ⁤funding will be evaluated based on various ⁢criteria, including the⁤ presence of family members⁢ with disabilities and the ⁣number of dependents, ensuring that support is directed to those in greater need.starting January ‍8, ‌2025,‍ Greek households can apply for financial assistance through the “Change heating System and Water Heater” program, aimed ⁢at ⁤promoting the installation of modern ⁣solar​ water heaters and heat pump systems. Applications will be accepted exclusively online untill March 31, 2025, via the​ official program website ⁤at https://allazothermansi-thermosifona.gov.gr. Minister of Environment and Energy, Thodoros Skylakakis, emphasized the initiative’s focus on supporting vulnerable citizens while encouraging investments in‌ energy-efficient technologies. For further inquiries, ‍interested parties can contact the dedicated phone line starting January 8, 2025, ⁣at ⁢2131513753, available weekdays from 9:00 ⁣AM⁢ to 5:00 PM.⁤ σε αυτές τις σύγχρονες τεχνολογίες, το κέρδος⁤ είναι διπλό και ⁤αφορά⁤ στην αναβάθμιση της ενεργειακής απόδοσης‌ των κατοικιών τους και στην εξοικονόμηση χρημάτων από τη μείωση της κατανάλωσης ενέργειας που θα πετύχουν».

Ο⁢ Αναπληρωτής‍ Υπουργός Εθνικής ​Οικονομίας και Οικονομικών,κ. Νίκος ⁣Παπαθανάσης,σημείωσε: «Σε ‌συνέχεια πρωτοβουλιών ​της Κυβέρνησης για βελτίωση της ⁢ενεργειακής απόδοσης των ⁣κατοικιών,την αύξηση της χρήσης ανανεώσιμων πηγών ενέργειας⁣ και την εξοικονόμηση οικονομικών πόρων από τη ‍μείωση ‍της κατανάλωσης ενέργειας,προχωρούμε στην υλοποίηση ενός ακόμα προγράμματος για την αλλαγή υπαρχόντων συστημάτων θέρμανσης με‍ νέα σύγχρονης τεχνολογίας. Και στη συγκεκριμένη ‍περίπτωση, ⁢ελήφθησαν υπόψη κοινωνικά κριτήρια, προκειμένου να επωφεληθούν ευάλωτα νοικοκυριά και ΑμεΑ. Αυτή είναι η καλύτερη⁣ απάντηση στο “πού πάνε τα λεφτά του Ταμείου Ανάκαμψης”. ⁢Αυτή είναι μια ακόμα έμπρακτη απόδειξη ταύτισης λόγων και έργων, μια ‌ακόμα δέσμευση προς τους​ συμπολίτες ⁣μας η οποία γίνεται πράξη».


Time.news ⁢Editor ​(TNE): Welcome, everyone, to our discussion today. we’re thrilled to have with us an ‌expert in energy policy and sustainability, ⁣Dr.Elena Papadakis. Dr. Papadakis, the Greek goverment ​has recently launched ​the “Change Heating System and Water Heater” ​programme under the repowereu ‌initiative. What can you tell us about the importance of⁣ this programme?

Dr.Elena Papadakis​ (EP): Thank you for having me. ⁣The “Change Heating system and​ Water Heater” programme is​ a pivotal step for Greece towards enhancing energy efficiency ‌in households.‍ With⁢ a substantial budget of €223.2 million funded by the EU’s NextGeneration EU program,it ‍aims to⁢ support the installation of⁢ modern solar⁢ water heaters and ⁤heat pump systems.⁣ This initiative not​ only aligns with Greece’s commitment to a lasting energy transition but also addresses​ the critical need to​ reduce carbon emissions in ​the household sector.

TNE: It sounds​ like a robust initiative! Can you‌ explain how this⁣ programme fits into greece’s broader energy‍ strategy, especially considering recent developments ​like the approval of Greece’s energy projects by the European Commission?

EP: Absolutely! Greece’s energy strategy is increasingly positioned​ within ⁣the broader ‍context of the ‍EU’s decarbonization goals. The ‌approval of ⁤Greece’s energy projects under the revised REPowerEU program,‍ which includes investments in energy⁣ savings and renewable energy‍ sources, signals a strong commitment from the European commission to support member states in ⁢this transition[1]. The “Change Heating system and Water Heater” programme plays a crucial role in ⁣this framework, promoting innovative technologies that not only enhance household energy efficiency but also contribute to Greece’s goal of becoming a ⁢key⁢ player in the Mediterranean energy landscape[2].

TNE: That’s captivating! I also read that⁤ participants in this programme are ⁤encouraged ⁢to replace‍ outdated,⁢ energy-intensive electric heaters,⁢ even though it’s‌ not⁣ mandatory. Why do you think this flexibility ‍is critically important for the‍ programme’s uptake?

EP: Flexibility is essential for encouraging participation.Many households may​ hesitate to invest‍ in new systems due to financial constraints or concerns about⁤ the feasibility of replacing existing equipment. By allowing participants to‍ choose whether to replace their old heaters, the programme increases accessibility and encourages‌ a wider range of ⁤households ‌to engage in the transition to sustainable energy solutions. Furthermore, the‍ emphasis on modern technology, such as solar ⁤water ‌heaters and heat pumps, helps families ‍understand ⁢the long-term benefits of sustainable energy, perhaps prompting them to make the switch voluntarily[1].

TNE: It’s reassuring to see initiatives that prioritize both sustainability and⁢ accessibility. With the current global energy crisis and rising costs, how do you see this programme impacting household energy bills in the long‍ term?

EP: In the‍ long term, ⁣transitioning to renewable energy systems‌ such as ⁣solar water heaters and heat pumps can significantly reduce household⁣ energy​ bills.these ⁢technologies not only lower energy​ consumption by improving efficiency but also ⁤utilize​ free solar energy, leading to lower reliance on electricity or ‍fossil fuels. Given that energy prices are ‌volatile,increasing energy‍ independence through such initiatives can‍ also shield households⁣ from‌ future price hikes. Thus, we can anticipate‍ both environmental and economic ‍benefits, making it a worthwhile investment for the future[2].

TNE: ⁣ Thank you, Dr. ​Papadakis, for sharing these⁢ insights. It’s⁢ clear that the “Change⁣ Heating ⁣System and Water Heater” programme represents an important step in Greece’s energy transition, benefiting both the⁣ environment‍ and households‌ alike. We look​ forward to seeing its impacts in the coming ​years!

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