Controversy erupted on social media after Greek model Giorgos Manikas was seen diving into the sea to secure the cross during the Epiphany celebrations in Antikyra, Boeotia. In a video shared on Instagram, Manikas is shown making a dramatic plunge just as a priest tosses the cross into the water, positioning himself to snatch it away from a child who was poised to catch it. Following the incident, he conducted a live broadcast, congratulating the child who ultimately caught the cross, sparking debates about sportsmanship and parental behavior during traditional events. The incident has drawn mixed reactions, with many questioning the appropriateness of his a humorous twist during the traditional Greek celebration of Theophany, a father named Manikas made headlines after he dramatically dove into the water to retrieve the cross, which is typically thrown into the sea for children to catch. Instead of allowing the children to compete for the sacred symbol, he proudly handed it over to his son, sparking a mix of laughter and disbelief among onlookers. This incident, shared widely on social media, highlights the playful yet competitive spirit of the festivities, as many users took to twitter to comment on the event using hashtags like #Θεοφάνεια and #χρονια_πολλα. The lighthearted nature of the celebration continues to resonate with the community, showcasing both tradition and family pride.680?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow”>January 6, 2025
Τα παραπάνω βίντεο προκάλεσαν οργισμένα σχόλια για τη συμπεριφορά του Γιώργου Μανίκα, με τους χρήστες στα social media να επιτίθενται στο μοντέλο για τη συμπεριφορά του.
Όλη η νεοελληνική ιστορία σε ένα βίντεο!
Ελλάδα η χώρα της “αξιοκρατίας”!
Εν τω μεταξύ ο Μανίκας πιστεύει ότι ο Θεός όλα τα βλέπει και τα κρίνει…— Toblerone (@4twenty2810) January 6,2025
Μετά τις έντονες αντιδράσεις που προκλήθηκαν,ο Γιώργος Μανίκας ανήρτησε άλλα δύο βίντεο στο Instagram στα οποία ανέφερε αφενός ότι στα Αντίκυρα ο ιερέας ρίχνει τρεις φορές τον σταυρό με το αγόρι με το μπλε μαγιό να τον πιάνει και αυτό ήταν ο ίδιος που τον βοήθησε όπως και προηγούμενα και τον γιο του