The Hellenic Football federation’s Disciplinary Commitee has imposed critically important penalties on several officials from PAOK following incidents that occurred after their match against Georgios Tsanakos, Georgios Theodoridis, and Athanasios Kapoulas have each received a four-month suspension and a fine of €15,000 for their conduct. Additionally, PAOK has been fined €30,000, while AEK faces a €10,000 penalty. These decisions highlight the ongoing efforts to maintain discipline and sportsmanship within Greek football.ινή δύο χιλιάδων (2.000,00) ευρώ (15 παρ. 1 περ. γ’ ΠΚ/ΕΠΟ), β) χρηματική ποινή χιλίων (1.000,00) ευρώ (αρ.15 παρ. 1 περ. α’ ΠΚ/ΕΠΟ), γ) χρηματική ποινή δύο χιλιάδων (2.000,00) ευρώ (αρ. 15 παρ. 2 περ. α’ ΠΚ της Ε.Π.Ο.], δ) την ποινή της επίπληξης (αρ. 5 παρ. 1, 14 ΠΚ σε συνδ. με το άρθρο 9 (Διαπιστεύσεις) του Παραρτήματος Β της Προκήρυξης Κυπέλλου Ελλάδος Betsson 2024-2025) και ε) χρηματική ποινή 5.000 χιλιάδων (5.000,00) ευρώ (αρ. 15 παρ. 4 περ. α’ και δ’ ΠΚ/ΕΠΟ).
Επέβαλε στον εγκαλούμενο Μάριο Ηλιόπουλο την πειθαρχική ποινή της επίπληξης (αρ. 5 παρ. 1, 14 ΠΚ σε συνδ. με το άρθρο 9 (Διαπιστεύσεις) του Παραρτήματος Β της Προκήρυξης Κυπέλλου Ελλάδος Betsson 2024-2025).
Επέβαλε στους αξιωματούχους της ΠΑΕ ΠΑΟΚ Ραζβάν Λουτσέσκου, Κωνσταντινίδη Παντελή, Γεώργιο Τσονάκα, Θεοδωρίδη Γεώργιο και Αθανάσιο Καπούλα την ποινή της απαγόρευσης της εισόδου τους στον αγωνιστικό χώρο και στα αποδυτήρια για χρονικό διάστημα τεσσάρων (4) μηνών και χρηματιPAOK FC, one of Greece’s prominent football clubs, has recently faced significant financial penalties totaling €45,000 due to violations of various disciplinary regulations. The club was fined €30,000 for multiple infractions, alongside an additional €15,000 imposed on each of the individuals involved in the case. These sanctions stem from breaches of articles related to the club’s operational conduct, as outlined in the Greek Football Federation’s disciplinary code.As PAOK continues to compete in both domestic and European tournaments, these financial repercussions highlight the ongoing challenges clubs face in maintaining compliance with regulatory standards while striving for success on the pitch.[2]It seems your query is not clearly defined, as there is no specific question or topic mentioned. However, based on the search results provided, I can summarize the relevant content for you.
- Using TikZ in latex: If you are looking to create nodes in TikZ without displaying text, one potential solution mentioned in the Stack Exchange thread is to use the command
node {phantom{Text}};
. This allows you to create an empty node while still retaining the structure, which can be beneficial for layout purposes in your diagrams or graphics [1[1].
- Advice for Dadpreneurs: In a LinkedIn article by Richard branson, he discusses encouraging dadpreneurs—entrepreneurs who are also fathers. He emphasizes the importance of balancing work with family life and cherishing moments that create lasting memories with children. His insights reflect the growing trend of individuals breaking away from customary work models to embrace entrepreneurship while managing family responsibilities [2[2].
- Microsoft Startup Screen Issue: A user reported a problem on the Microsoft Community regarding the absence of a text box for PIN input during the startup screen. This issue seems to complicate the user experience, as it prevents easy access to the system without a clear method for entering a password [3[3].
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