Betty Valasi, beloved for her role as ”Loxandra” in the popular ERT series, is currently residing at the “House of the Fighter,” a care facility for elderly veterans. Her son, Nikola Chari Minissali, shared insights on the morning show “Proino” on January 10, revealing that the 88-year-old actress has been grappling with meaningful health issues. He recounted the gradual decline in her well-being, noting alarming signs such as memory loss and severe weight loss, which saw her drop to just 42 kilograms. Minissali emphasized the importance of awareness regarding the health challenges faced by aging loved ones, urging families to seek help when necessary.In a heartfelt revelation, the son of renowned actress Betty Valasi has opened up about her struggles with dementia and health issues, including multiple strokes. He shared the emotional challenges of caring for her, highlighting moments of fear for her safety as she grappled with memory loss and significant weight decline, dropping to just 42 kilograms. His plea for her to prioritize her health over her career underscores the often-overlooked realities faced by families dealing with dementia. This poignant story sheds light on the importance of awareness and support for those affected by cognitive decline, urging society to recognize the profound impact of such conditions on both individuals and their loved ones.σε να τη διατηρήσει για την ημέρα. Η Μπέτυ πέρασε πέντε – έξι εγκεφαλικά, όχι ένα.Από όταν έγινε το πρώτο εγκεφαλικό εγώ τσακώθηκα με τη μάνα μου, διότι της είπα ότι πρέπει να πας να κάνεις αποκατάσταση και μου λέει, ”όχι, δεν μπορώ” γιατί το όνειρο της ήταν σε αυτή την ηλικία, ήθελε να παίξει στην Επίδαυρο, τραγωδία, σε αυτή την ηλικία».
Κλείνοντας, ο Νικόλα Χάρι Μινισσάλι ανέφερε: «Όλο της το άγχος, και γι’ αυτό σταμάτησε να δουλεύει, ήταν μην τινάξει την παράσταση στον αέρα. Σε κάποια φάση παίρνω τον Μήτσο τηλέφωνο, τον Κουτσούμπα και του λέω, ”Μητσάρα άμα θες να δεις την φιλενάδα σου πριν… Έλα να την δεις!”. Έρχεται ο Κουτσούμπας, κάθισαν, έφαγαν, ήπιαν. Τώρα τι να θέλω λέω, μια χαρά είναι η γυναίκα». Ο Γενικός Γραμματέας της Κεντρικής Επιτροπής του ΚΚΕ, Δημήτρης Κουτσούμπας, επισκέφτηκε πριν μερικές ημέρες το ίδρυμα περίθαλψης ηλικιωμένων το «Σπίτι του Αγωνιστή». Κατά την επίσκεψή του συναντήθηκε και με την Μπέτυ Βαλάση, που φιλοξενείται τα τελευταία χρόνια στο ίδρυμα. Το απόγευμα της Τρίτης,7 Ιανουαρίου,η Σεμίνα Διγενή δημοσίευσε στα μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης,μερικές φωτογραφίες από την επίσκεψη:
Ειδήσεις σήμερα:
Έκτακτες κρίσεις στις Ένοπλες Δυνάμεις με εντολή Δένδια στον Αρχηγό ΓΕΕΘΑ
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Για δύο χρόνια δεν ξέραμε ότι έχουμε θερμοσίφωνα, πιστεύαμε ότι το ζεστό νερό ήταν δώρο από το σύμπαν, είπε η Νατάσσα Μποφίλιου Editor: Good morning, everyone! Today, we’re discussing a deeply moving topic that touches the hearts of many—aging, health issues, and the stories behind the beloved stars we grew up watching. Recently, we learned about Betty Valasi, fondly known for her role as “Loxandra” in the popular ERT series. It’s heartbreaking to hear she is now facing serious health problems,including dementia and important weight loss. To help us unpack this, we have Dr. Elena Christopoulos, a gerontologist specializing in elderly care. Welcome, Dr. Christopoulos!
Dr. Christopoulos: Thank you for having me. It’s an honour to be hear to discuss such an important issue—one that impacts so many families. Editor: betty’s son, Nikola Chari Minissali, shared some profound insights during an interview on “Proino.” He spoke about the gradual decline in his mother’s health and the emotional toll it has taken on him. What are your thoughts on his experiences as a caregiver, notably regarding the strain of managing dementia?
Dr. Christopoulos: Caregiving is an incredibly challenging role, especially when dementia is involved. It can be a massive emotional burden. Caregivers often face fears for their loved ones’ safety while also grappling with feelings of helplessness as they witness their loved ones change. minissali’s reflection on the need for families to prioritize health over career resonates with many. Editor: Absolutely. It’s a poignant reminder that behind the glamorous lives of public figures, there are very real struggles. Many families may find themselves in similar situations. What kind of support systems do you believe are essential for caregivers like Minissali?
Dr. Christopoulos: Creating an effective support system is crucial. This includes access to professional healthcare resources, community support groups, and mental health services for caregivers. Often, caregivers themselves can experience burnout, so it’s vital they have an avenue to express their feelings and find emotional relief. Education about dementia and coping strategies can also empower caregivers, helping them feel less isolated in their journey. Editor: That’s a great point. Awareness and education play vital roles in combating the stigma surrounding aging and mental health issues. how can families ensure they are attentive to the early signs of health decline in their elderly loved ones,especially when it comes to dementia?
Dr.Christopoulos: Families can start by maintaining open interaction with one another and their elderly family members. They should look for signs such as noticeable memory loss, changes in behavior, or physical health indicators like significant weight fluctuations. Regular check-ups with healthcare professionals can also help track any concerning changes over time. Early intervention can lead to better management of these conditions. Editor: Thank you for that insightful viewpoint, Dr. Christopoulos. Betty Valasi’s situation is not just a story about a beloved actress; it’s a reminder of the many challenges faced by families dealing with aging and health issues.As Nikola emphasized, awareness is key. We encourage our readers to reach out, offer support, and seek help when necessary.
Dr. Christopoulos: Indeed, it’s a collective responsibility. Understanding and compassion can make a world of difference for both the elderly and their caregivers. Editor: Thank you again for your valuable insights, Dr. Christopoulos. It’s crucial that we continue these conversations and honor the experiences of families like the Valasi family. Let’s keep advocating for awareness and support as we navigate these sensitive subjects together.