Από σήμερα ξεκινάει η δυνατότητα υποβολής αιτήσεων από τους ενδιαφερόμενους για το Αλλάζω Θερμοσίφωνα και για αντλία θερμότητας.
Από σήμερα στις 9 το πρωί ξεκινάει η δυνατότητα υποβολής αιτήσεων από τους ενδιαφερόμενους για το πρόγραμμα του Υπουργείου Περιβάλλοντος και Ενέργειας: «Αλλάζω Σύστημα Θέρμανσης και Θερμοσίφωνα».
Παράλληλα,το «Εξοικονομώ 2025»,που αφορά στην ενεργειακή αναβάθμιση κατοικιών και άνοιξε για υποβολή αιτήσεων την περασμένη Τετάρτη (8/1),συγκεντρώνει πολύ υψηλό ενδιαφέρον,με τις αιτήσεις να υπερβαίνουν,ήδη,τις 20.400. Η πλατφόρμα του προγράμματος (https://exoikonomo2025.gov.gr) θα δέχεται αιτήσεις έως και τThe Greek government has launched a notable initiative, “Change Your Heating System and Water Heater,” wiht a budget of €223.2 million aimed at enhancing energy efficiency across the nation. Of this funding,€44.6 million is specifically allocated to support energy-vulnerable households. The program offers substantial subsidies for the purchase of modern solar water heaters, covering 50% to 60% of the costs, depending on income criteria. this initiative not only promotes enduring energy solutions but also aims to alleviate the financial burden on those most in need, making it a vital step towards a greener future.Households looking to upgrade their heating systems can benefit from a new financial aid program that offers up to 60% coverage for the installation of eligible equipment, including heat pumps and water heaters. This initiative is designed to support both primary and secondary residences, and also rental properties. Eligible applicants can recieve substantial assistance for necessary installation costs, such as transportation, labor, and materials, making energy-efficient upgrades more accessible. Homeowners are encouraged to apply soon to take advantage of this opportunity to enhance their living spaces while reducing energy expenses.ότησης αξιολογούνται συγκριτικά. Λαμβάνεται υπόψη η ύπαρξη ή μη μέλους/μελών ΑμεΑ στην οικογένεια, αν η αίτηση αφορά οικογένειες με τρία ή περισσότερα εξαρτώμενα τέκνα, αν η κατοικία είναι σε ατμοσφαιρικά επιβαρυμένες περιφέρειες (μόνο για το νέο σύστημα αντλίας θερμότητας), σε περιοχές με υψηλό αριθμό βαθμοημερών.
– Η υποβολή των αιτήσεων από τους ενδιαφερόμενους πραγματοποιείται μόνον ηλεκτρονικά έως και την 31η.3.2025 και υποχρεωτικά μέσω του επίσημου δικτυακού τόπου του προγράμματος (https://allazosistimathermansisthermosifona.gov.gr).
Αξίζει να επισημανθεί πως στο πλαίσιο του «Αλλάζω Σύστημα Θέρμανσης και Θερμοσίφωνα», δίνεται έμφαση στους δυνητικούς ωφελούμενουIndividuals who have not yet redeemed their vouchers for the ”Change Heating System and Water Heater” program are encouraged to reapply using their existing tax identification number (AFM). This initiative is part of the broader “RePowerEU” framework under greece’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan, “Greece 2.0,” and is funded by the European Union’s NextGeneration EU. For further assistance, interested parties can contact the helpline at 2131513753 or 2131513745, available on weekdays from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
Time.news Editor: Good morning,and welcome to today’s discussion! We’re diving into an exciting new initiative starting today— the “Αλλάζω Θερμοσίφωνα” program. To shed light on its importance, we have with us dr. Maria Nikolaou, an expert in energy systems. Dr. Nikolaou, can you explain what this program entails?
Dr. Maria Nikolaou: Good morning! Absolutely. The “Αλλάζω Θερμοσίφωνα” program, along with the heat pump initiative, is aimed at promoting energy efficiency in homes. This program, launched by the Ministry of surroundings and Energy, allows homeowners to apply for funding to replace outdated heating systems with modern, energy-efficient appliances.
Time.news Editor: That sounds incredibly beneficial! What do you think are the primary reasons for homeowners to consider making this switch now?
Dr. Maria Nikolaou: There are several compelling reasons. First and foremost, upgrading to a new heating system can considerably reduce energy consumption, leading to lower utility bills. Moreover, with increased focus on sustainability, utilizing modern heat pumps is a step toward reducing our carbon footprint. It’s not just about immediate savings; there are long-term environmental benefits as well.
Time.news Editor: Definitely! And considering the current global emphasis on renewable energy, how does this program align with broader environmental goals?
Dr. Maria Nikolaou: This program is very much in line with global sustainability initiatives.By encouraging the adoption of heat pumps,which are typically much more energy-efficient than conventional heating methods,it supports our transition to cleaner energy sources. Additionally,it aligns with national goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote a more sustainable energy economy.
Time.news Editor: What should interested homeowners know about applying for this program? are there specific criteria or processes they need to follow?
Dr. Maria Nikolaou: Yes, it’s essential for applicants to familiarize themselves with the eligibility criteria, which may include income limits, the type of property, and the current heating system in place. Typically, applications must be submitted online, and there might potentially be limited funding, so acting quickly is advisable. It’s also helpful to consult with energy professionals to ensure they make informed decisions about replacing thier systems.
Time.news Editor: Excellent advice! Are there any common misconceptions about switching to a heat pump that we should address?
Dr. Maria Nikolaou: Certainly! One misconception is that heat pumps are only suitable for moderate climates. Though, modern heat pumps are designed to operate efficiently in a wide range of temperatures, including colder climates. Another myth is that the initial installation cost is too high; while this can be an investment, the operational savings and available funding options can make it financially feasible over time.
Time.news Editor: Thank you for clarifying that! Lastly, what do you hope to see as a result of this program in the coming years?
Dr. Maria Nikolaou: I hope to see a important increase in the adoption of energy-efficient systems across homes. This change not only helps individual households save money but also contributes to a larger shift toward sustainable energy practices. Ultimately, I envision a future were energy efficiency is the norm, leading to a healthier planet for everyone.
Time.news Editor: That’s a fantastic vision, Dr. Nikolaou! Thank you for your insights into the “Αλλάζω Θερμοσίφωνα” program and its broader implications. It looks like there’s a real chance for homeowners to take action and make a difference!