The Greek stock market has kicked off the new year with a positive momentum, defying the cautious atmosphere prevailing in major European exchanges. Market analysts indicate that the primary goal for 2024 is to surpass the 1,500-point mark, which could trigger a wave of investment from hesitant portfolios, especially if the anticipated ‘January Effect’ materializes. Today’s trading session,characterized by relatively low turnover,saw buyers focusing on previously underperforming blue-chip stocks,such as Viohalco,which rose by 6.07%, and ElvalHalcor, up by 6.25%. This trend may signal the market’s direction in the coming days, as investors remain attentive to international market developments and show increased interest in lower-priced stocks.In 2024,the stock market showcased meaningful volatility,with notable disparities among shares within the same sector. Despite some stocks underperforming for various reasons, beta Sec. reported a generally positive year for the market. The exchange acted as a vital conduit for generating wealth, highlighted by ample transactions worth billions of euros, including capital increases, bond issuances, and large-scale transfers.A landmark event was the record-breaking sale of Terna Energy to Masdar for €2.4 billion, marking the largest deal in the history of the Greek stock market.However, it is important to note that the average daily trading volume dipped below €100 million in July, settling at €95.54 million, indicating a shift in market dynamics. ενώ οι πιο ‘παραγωγικοί’ μήνες ήταν ο Μάρτιος, με μέσες ημερήσιες συναλλαγές 225,3 εκατ. ευρώ (εισαγωγή ΔΑΑ στο Χ.Α.) και ο Νοέμβριος με 196,9 εκατ. ευρώ (μεταβίβαση του 70% της ΤΕΝΕΡΓ).
Σε κάθε περίπτωση, η τραπεζοκεντρική δομή της αγοράς παραμένει και όλοι οι traders περιμένουν την επόμενη κίνηση του βαρύδεικτου τραπεζικού κλάδου, με ισχυρό δέλεαρ για τους διαχειριστές την προοπτική διανομής κερδών (2024) σε μέρισμα (2025) με τις συγκλίνουσες εκτιμήσεις των αναλυτών να υπολογίζουν περί το 1,5 δισ. (συνολικά οι τέσσερις Συστημικές), σχεδόν διπλάσιο σε σχέση με πέρυσι (κέρδη 2023).
Κοινή εκτίμηση στην επενδυτική κοινότητα είναι, πως στην περίπτωση που η ΕΚΤ ακολουθήσει μία πιο μετριοπαθή τακτική στα επιτόκια, ο κλάδος που θα ευνοηθεί κυρίως είναι ο τραπεζικός, με αρκετούς παράγοντες της αγοράς να εκτιμούν πως στις πρώτες συνεδριάσεις του νέου έτους θα διαφανούν οι διαθέσεις αγοραστών – πωλητών.
Ο γενικός δείκτης κινήθηκε μόνιμα με θετικό πρόσημο και ολοκλήρωσε τις συναλλαγές στο υψηλό ημέρας των 1.480,98 μονάδων (+0,77%),ενώ ο τζίρος διαμορφώθηκε στα 79 εκατ., από τα οποία τα 2 εκατ.αφορούσαν «πακέτα».
Από τις μετοχές της υψηλής κεφαλαιοποίησης, με απώλειες μεγαλύτερες της μίας ποσοστιαίας μονάδας οι Lamda Progress (-1,23%), OPTIMA (-1,55%), TITC (-1%) και ΟΤΕ (-1,08%).
Με τα μεγαλύτερα κέρδη οι Eurobank (+1,21%), Πειραιώς (+2,34%), Viohalco (+6,07%), HelleniQ Energy (+1,46%), Motor Oil (+2,71%), Jumbo (+2,50%), Metlen (+2,86%), ΔΕΗ (+2,51%), Ελλάκτωρ (+4,93%), ΕΛΧΑ (+6,25%).
Από τις χαμηλότερες κεφαλαιοποιήσεις, πέτυχαν να διακριθούν, μεταξύ άλλων, οι Άβαξ (+8,53%), Ικτίνος (+7,76%), ΚΑΙΡΟΜΕΖΖ (+5,53%), AS Company (+5,38%).
Από σήμερα, εισήχθησαν προς διαπραγμάτευση στο Χ.Α. οι 9.121.181 νέες (ΚΟ) μετοχές της εταιρείας «BRIQ PROPERTIES Α.Ε.Ε.Α.Π.», που προέκυψαν από την Α.Μ.Κ. λόγω συγχώνευσης με απορρόφηση της «INTERCONTINENTAL INTERNATIONAL Α.Ε.Ε.Α.Π.». Το νέο σύνολο εισηγμένων μετοχών της «BRIQ PROPERTIES Α.Ε.Ε.Α.Π.» που είναι διαπραγματεύσιμες στο Χ.Α. ανέρχεται σε 44.885.774 (ΚΟ) μετIn the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing,mastering SEO writng has become essential for content creators aiming to enhance their online visibility. As we step into 2024, the focus has shifted towards crafting articles that not only incorporate strategic keyword placement but also prioritize user experience. By conducting thorough keyword research and creating engaging, informative content that addresses the specific needs of the audience, writers can considerably improve their chances of ranking higher in search engine results. Emphasizing on-page SEO best practices, such as optimizing meta descriptions and utilizing headers effectively, can further elevate the quality of content, ensuring it resonates with both search engines and readers alike [1[1[1[1][2[2[2[2][3[3[3[3].
Title: A New Dawn for the Greek Stock Market Editor (T): Welcome! Today, we delve into the exciting developments in the Greek stock market as we kick off 2024 with a notable positive momentum. Despite a cautious atmosphere across major European exchanges, what factors do you think are driving this optimism?
Expert (E): Thank you for having me! The positive momentum in Greece can be attributed to a combination of market-kind policies and a focus on previously underperforming blue-chip stocks. It’s notable that analysts are setting the 1,500-point mark as a key target for this year. If we can surpass that, we might indeed see a substantial influx of investments from hesitant portfolios. This aligns with the so-called ‘January Effect,’ where stocks often perform well early in the year as investors throw money back into the market.
T: That makes sense! We’ve seen particular movements in stocks like Viohalco and ElvalHalcor, which recorded increases of 6.07% and 6.25%, respectively. What does this indicate about investor behavior going forward?
E: The surge in these previously underperforming stocks signals a renewed interest among investors, particularly in lower-priced equities. This is critical as it reflects a broader strategy to capitalize on value opportunities,especially when the overall market sentiment is shaky. It might very well be a signal that investors are getting ready for more strategic placements as we move deeper into the year.
T: It sounds like the market is full of potential volatility. You mentioned disparities within sectors; can you elaborate on how this might impact investor strategies?
E: Absolutely. 2024 is projected to showcase significant volatility,and while some sectors may be dragging behind,others could be thriving.Investors must stay vigilant and selective, perhaps employing strategies that focus on sector rotation—shifting investments from underperforming stocks to those gaining traction. This volatility might also create opportunities for short-term trades and long-term investments, catering to various investor profiles.
T: Moreover, there seems to be confidence in Greece’s economic growth potential, with the Greek GDP projected to grow at a rate of 2.9%, which outpaces the EU average of 1.3%. How does this economic climate feed into the stock market’s performance?
E: Strong GDP growth is a basic driver for stock markets. It indicates robust economic health, which emboldens both domestic and foreign investors. A growing economy typically results in higher corporate earnings, leading to appraisals that reflect that growth. This is undoubtedly attractive for investors looking at the overall health of the market, fostering confidence that greece can continue to be a lucrative investment destination.
T: You’ve provided us with great insights! Lastly, what other factors should investors be aware of as they look at the Greek stock market in the coming months?
E: Investors should remain attentive to international developments that could influence market dynamics. We must also consider Greece’s governance and macroeconomic stability.The recent upgrade to investment grade for Greek securities has already provided a solid foundation, and with market-friendly governance now more consistent, the outlook for 2024 is indeed promising. the Greek stock market is poised as a vibrant area for growth, and it’s essential for investors to keep an eye on emerging trends while being cautious of potential pitfalls.
T: Thank you for sharing your expertise! It’s clear that 2024 could be a transformative year for the Greek stock market. Let’s continue to monitor these developments closely!