✍️ Affirming your brand commitments on social networks, with Emmanuelle Gardan (Le pOD, episode #26)

by time news

Notes from episode 26 of the pOD: for this twenty-sixth episode, we discuss together the issue of brands engaged on social networks. Find below the main elements discussed during this episode (as a reminder, these are notes ????), as well as various useful links and resources to deepen your reflection.

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Why are we discussing this topic?

We chose this subject because the brands involved are more and more numerous. And letting people know that we are a committed brand also involves communication and therefore social networks. You have to know how to explain your commitment, disseminate it and share it with your community.

What strategy to adopt and how to stand out from the others? We explain all this to you with our guest of the day.

For this episode, we invited Emmanuelle Gardan which notably manages the communication of I love my teeth », a brand that offers zero waste hygiene products and products in France and Europe. Emmanuelle is a freelancer in the name of “Bonjour Midnight”. It supports companies engaged in the development of their presence on social networks. She is also the founder of the association Babes Voices. With her experience on the subject, we necessarily thought of her for this episode ????

The speakers on this podcast episode thereby are :

  • Gwensocial media project manager Ouest Digital
  • Bryanco-founder of Ouest Digital
  • Emmanuelleguest

Axis 1 – Committed brands: the fundamentals

A committed brand it’s a brand that defends a cause. In other words, it is a brand that was created with a purpose linked to a desire to change a social, societal, ecological dysfunction, etc.

“For J’aime mes dents, their raison d’être was to respond to a problem: to reduce plastic in the bathrooms. ” – Emmanuelle

Do not mix up :

  • the engagements from mark, for example a mark which defends a cause. We are therefore talking about a committed brand. That’s what this episode is about.
  • the engagements to the brand, for example a brand that generates engagement, interactions, on social networks (likes, comments, shares).

“A brand ultimately behaves like a person. She will have causes that are close to her heart and will defend them. –Bryan

Ultimately, it’s as if the brand were a person : there are subjects, themes to which she is sensitive, for which she wishes to get involved and will want to let people know in order to get things moving.

“The editorial line of a committed brand must go in the direction of its commitments. ” – Emmanuelle

A brand committed to its communication will defend a point of view and maintain it in its editorial line.

“Especially with the health crisis, for an equivalent product, consumers prefer to pay a little more and have a committed and/or local brand product. –Bryan

In effect, ” 78% of French peoplewhether they are employees, consumers or customers, now expect companies contribute to collective well-being and develop more social and environmental practices, and that they are no longer satisfied with maximizing their economic performance” – Opinion Way study (source: Le Figaro).

“I think that a brand committed to its communication is not necessarily so for real. This is called Greenwashing! ” – Emmanuelle

Beware, however, of brands that want to follow the trend of commitment and values, without really being so in their actions. There are many brands that defend causes on social networks that their actions do not confirm.

???? Example : take the floor on social networks on March 8 to defend women’s rights, but not to practice equal pay.

The solution ? Learn about brands before consuming. Fortunately, they are not all like that! ????

“You have to get informed and focus on small French brands that value their commitment on a daily basis! ” – Emmanuelle

Axis 2 – Communicate your commitment on social networks

“When you are a committed brand, beyond selling sustainable products, you will also try to change the way consumers consume. They will have to be educated. And it’s super complex to do! ” – Emmanuelle

4 key steps to make your commitments known on social networks

1️⃣ Define your goals and targets

As with any project, we will start with create your strategy. It is necessary to identify the purpose of the company and remember it regularly so as not to deviate from it. In addition, it is important to bear in mind the people to whom we address and to know their expectations and their obstacles.

2️⃣ Put in place content axes and practices aligned with its commitments

The heart of a committed brand’s strategy is its raison d’être: “why does this brand exist?”.

We will therefore think about creating content that explains and promotes it. And beyond the content, it is necessary to adopt practices in accordance with the causes that we defend.

???? Example : When the raison d’être of your company is to reduce the carbon footprint, you won’t pollute your digital communication subscribers. The question of the quality of the content before the quantity will take precedence as much as the messages delivered.

3️⃣ Choose committed influencers or partner brands

In a communication strategy, to amplify the dissemination of your message, you can call on influencers and partner brands with whom to organize competitions, for example.

As with the choice of content, we will choose influencers who are committed and in accordance with the values ​​of the brand. The same goes for partner brands.

4️⃣ Be aware of the market and its evolution

It is important to be aware that we are not going to address everyone when we are a committed brand. Not everyone consumes sustainably and it is difficult to convert everyone.

Examples of brand engagements valued on social networks

Here are some format ideas to enhance its engagement on social networks:

Did you know – Promote information or figures to raise awareness of the impact of our choices. A good way to educate your target (in the noble sense of the term) and to make it move forward in its thinking.

Valo partner – Promoting product reseller partners. A good way not to forget the human and the real impact of the brand’s choices.

Example of publication of a committed brand on social networks (

Competition – To please your community while promoting a brand that you appreciate or a partner.

Example of publication of a committed brand on social networks (

Valo team – Value the human, the people who bring the brand to life. It’s a great way to get to know those who defend the brand’s causes.

Example of publication of a committed brand on social networks (

Valo client – Valuing the human in another way by sharing customer feedback. This has 2 advantages:

  1. show those who will change their practices and behaviors.
  2. reassure on the quality of the products

Example of publication of a committed brand on social networks (

advice – Share advice to put in place in your daily life to be more committed. The plus: sharing advice that does not talk about your product but will resonate with your targets.

Example of publication of a committed brand on social networks (

Axis 3 – Tips and Tricks

Our advices to share your brand’s commitments on social networks:

Value the human : we repeat ourselves a little but the human is the strength. We can enhance it by sharing other committed brands, partners, the team, customers…

Using chestnut trees in a roundabout way to convey an important message for the brand.

???? Example :

Example of publication of a committed brand on social networks (

Choose brands and partners that look like you : whether it is to organize contests or just for the pleasure of promoting them, selecting brands that look like you will be more consistent.

Conversely, here mistakes not to make :

Forget the human : obviously, we have repeated it so much in good practices that conversely forgetting it would be a mistake.

Underestimating Moderation : Indeed, the subjects involved are sometimes divisive. They can thus provoke more reactions (positive or negative). We must therefore not neglect this side and be aware that we will have to take the time to answer and explain to people leaving negative comments.

To conclude this topic

Key words for sharing the commitments of its brand on social networks:

  • Resilience : it is the fact of adapting constantly and in all circumstances. According to Emmanuelle, this word is as valid for committed brands as it is for CMs and SMMs who are undergoing rapid changes in social networks.
  • Pedagogy : put yourself in the place of the end customer, who may not know anything about it, and explain it to him. So keep in mind that what you know (importance of a cause)others may not know.
  • Human (come to the conclusion, you’re not surprised anymore ????) : it’s important to let people know that there are people behind a brand and to highlight them.

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