[단독]Lee Jae-myung Considers Accepting Han Dong-hoon’s ‘3rd Party Recommendation for Special Prosecutor Chae Sang-byeong’ Immediately After Re-election

by times news cr

2024-08-01 02:04:44

If the party leader is re-elected on the 18th
Proposal to recommend the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, etc.
It seems that they are trying to divide the ruling party by making ‘generous concessions’
The ruling party said, “There are no plans to initiate a preemptive motion.”

Lee Jae-myung, Democratic Party of Korea representative candidate

It has been confirmed that Lee Jae-myung, the Democratic Party’s candidate for party leadership, is considering accepting the “third-party special prosecutor recommendation proposal for the Chae Sang-byeong Special Prosecutor Act” proposed by Han Dong-hoon, the People Power Party’s representative, right after the party’s national convention on August 18. The Democratic Party plans to soon propose a bill on the “special prosecutor recommended by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court” advocated by Han and the method of recommending the president of the Korean Bar Association proposed by Chun Ha-ram, the floor leader of the New Reform Party, to pass the ball to the ruling party. Through this, there is analysis that while accelerating the division between the pro-Yoon (pro-Yoon Seok-yeol) and pro-Han (pro-Dong-hoon) factions within the ruling party, the candidate will draw the picture of making a “big concession” immediately after being re-elected as party leader.

● Possibility of accepting ‘Han Dong-hoon’s proposal’ if Lee Jae-myung is reappointed

The Democratic Party, which initially insisted on the special prosecutor’s bill recommended by the opposition party, is showing a forward-looking attitude because it judged that fatigue inside and outside the party has grown after the special prosecutor’s bill was forced through twice recently and the presidential veto was repeated. In particular, it was reported that at the Democratic Party’s high-level strategy meeting held on the 29th of last month, the issue of the party’s approval rating falling in the process of forcing through various bills after the general election was raised.

A key member of the Democratic Party said in a phone call on the 31st, “The special prosecution bill for Private First Class Chae is not gaining any traction as it is only flowing into the structure of political strife between the ruling and opposition parties,” and “It is time for the Democratic Party to find an exit strategy.” He added, “There is no reason not to accept the three-party recommendation special prosecution proposed by Representative Han,” and “In addition to the method of recommending the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court mentioned by Representative Han, it is also worth considering the method of recommending the chairman of the Bar Association mentioned by Floor Leader Chun.”

Another key member of the floor also said, “We will soon urge Representative Han to first propose a special prosecutor’s bill that includes his own arguments,” and “After reviewing the ruling party’s proposal, we will internally discuss the proposals for the Chief Justice or the Korean Bar Association.” Democratic Party floor leader Park Chan-dae also said on the same day, “Our internal strategy team is currently reviewing various alternatives (including third-party recommendations).”

It has been reported that within the party, a plan is being considered to first throw the baton to the ruling party in early August, and for this candidate to take over and officially announce a forward-looking position on the special prosecution law for Private First Class Chae right after the party convention on August 18.

A key member of the candidate’s camp said, “The core of Lee Jae-myung’s second term is the expansion of the moderate periphery,” and “We are also discussing a plan to declare on the day of the party leader election that we will ‘receive a third-party recommendation’ under the pretext of resolving the deadlocked National Assembly situation and discussing livelihood issues.” However, some within the party still oppose the idea, saying that considering the conservative tendencies of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and the chairman of the Bar Association, there are concerns that a special prosecutor’s recommendation through a third-party recommendation will lead to a ‘chaotic investigation.’

● Concerns about “Democratic Party’s intention to divide”

Internally, the Democratic Party is also calculating that if the opposition party accepts Representative Han’s “third-party special prosecutor’s bill,” the conflict between the pro-Yoon faction and the pro-Park faction within the ruling party will intensify. Representative Han, who previously proposed a “third-party recommended special prosecutor” during the last national convention, is trying to persuade party members of the need for a special prosecutor’s bill. On the other hand, the pro-Yoon faction is maintaining its opposition, saying, “We could get caught up in the Democratic Party’s impeachment intentions.” People Power Party floor leader Shin Dong-wook said on the same day, “No matter what bill comes out, it won’t be easy to overcome the wall of our members of the National Assembly,” and “The Democratic Party’s offensive surrounding the special prosecutor’s bill was too strong. In the end, there is a strong belief (among members of the National Assembly) that this is a special prosecutor’s bill aimed at impeaching the president.”

The leadership of the People Power Party is also hesitating to preemptively propose a special prosecutor’s bill, considering the Democratic Party’s “intention to divide.” A People Power Party floor member asserted, “Apart from Representative Han’s opinion, the party has no plans to propose a bill first.” A source close to Representative Han also said, “Even if there is no change in the representative’s position, if the floor absolutely opposes it, the party leader will not be able to just push it through.”

Reporter Yoon Da-bin [email protected]
Reporter Kwon Gu-yong [email protected]

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2024-08-01 02:04:44

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