[책의 향기]’Metacognition’ happiness that lets go of negative emotions

by times news cr

## The Happiness We ⁢Decide

◇The Happiness We Decide/Arthur⁤ C. Brooks et ​al., translated by Park Da-som/356 pages/19,800 won/RH Korea

“There is only one thing that cannot ​be taken away from a human being: the freedom to choose one’s attitude in any given situation, the freedom to choose⁢ one’s own ‌path.”

This is what ⁤Dr. Viktor Frankl, who was imprisoned ‍in a Nazi concentration camp during World War II and survived dramatically, wrote in his memoir (‘Man’s Search for Meaning‘).⁤ In the face of the unavoidable tragedy‌ of losing his family and being ⁣in ⁤danger of being killed ⁢himself, he did not dwell on resentment and ⁣curses. Instead, he found the reason for his existence and continued living​ by helping ‍other⁤ inmates.

The author, a professor of policy studies at Harvard University​ and ‍a ⁢researcher of happiness, explains that Dr.⁣ Frankl was able to ​make this⁢ choice⁣ because he was able to ⁢separate his emotions ⁣from his actions and have ‘meta-cognition’. For example, a construction worker who cannot do construction ​when it rains can blame the sky,‌ but he ​can⁣ never change the reality of the inevitability. At this time, he needs to ‘act’ by ⁤making a plan⁤ to prepare for‍ bad weather rather than just dwelling‌ on negative emotions. The results of brain science​ research that emotions are just signals sent by the brain and subsequent actions ⁢can be‍ changed through learning also ⁣support this.

So, what is the ​way to practice metacognition in daily life? The method the author introduces is simple. Suppress the emotions that⁣ boil over momentarily and look at your current self for 10 seconds. It is not​ as easy as it sounds because it goes against the instinct to recognize external stress as a threat and react immediately. However, the ‍author concludes that this is the most effective means to happiness⁢ and a way to maintain ⁣health.

Reporter Kim Sang-woon [email protected]

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