???? Elections in Chaco: Jorge Capitanich voted and spoke about the crime of Cecilia Strzyzowski

by time news

2023-09-17 13:53:34

Chaco elects governor in elections that have the current provincial head, the Kirchnerist Jorge Capitanich (Frente Chaqueño), and the provincial deputy of Together for Change, the radical Leandro Zdero, as main candidates, in a process in the midst of a tense social climate for the femicide of Cecilia Strzyzowski and the political ramifications of the crime and disappearance.

The opposition coalition seeks to replicate the victory in the primaries while the governor is in his fourth term, in elections in which there could be a runoff because a close result is expected, as TN anticipated.

Read also: Elections 2023: news, where I vote, electoral roll, candidates and latest news

Nearly one million citizens, 998,377 local voters and 878 foreigners, are qualified to elect the governor of Chaco, 16 provincial deputies, mayors and councilors of 67 municipalities with the exception of the towns of Resistencia, Makalle and Quitilipi, in which there will be local elections November 5.

Follow LIVE the latest news on the Chaco gubernatorial elections

The seven detained for the femicide of Cecilia Strzyzowski will not be able to vote in the elections

September 17, 2023, 08:52 a.m.

César Sena and his parents, Emerenciano Sena and Marcela Acuña, the main detainees for the femicide of Cecilia Strzyzowski (Photo: NA).

The seven arrested for the femicide of Cecilia Strzyzowski will not be able to vote in the elections for governor of Chaco, among them Caesar Sena and his parents, Emerenciano Seine y Marcela Acuña, linked to Jorge Capitanich.

From the provincial security forces they explained that “the Electoral Law of the Province excludes to people deprived of their freedom to vote” and that “therefore, those detained in the Strzyzowski case did not vote in the PASO and they will not do so in the general elections,” the agency states. Telam.

Capitanich voted and spoke about the crime of Cecilia Strzyzowski: “The case is in the process of judicial resolution”

September 17, 2023, 08:13 a.m.

Jorge Capitanich voted and spoke about the crime of Cecilia Strzyzowski: “The case is in the process of judicial resolution” (Photo: TĂ©lam – Pablo Caprarulo).

The governor of Chaco, Jorge Capitanich, who is in his fourth term, voted in the provincial elections and spoke about the femicide of Cecilia Strzyzowski: “The case is in the process of judicial resolution.”

Nearly a million citizens are eligible to participate in the elections in which the next governor is defined in the midst of commotion over the femicide and disappearance of the young woman, a case in which there are detainees who are related to the current provincial leader.

Voting for governor of Chaco has begun

September 17, 2023, 08:02 a.m.

Voting has begun in the elections to define the governor of Chaco (Photo: TĂ©lam).

Voting started for governor of Chaco, in elections in which nearly one million citizens are eligible to participate.

According to the Chaco Electoral Court, a total of 998,377 local voters and 878 foreign voters, which in total represent 2.83% of the national registry, are authorized to vote in the province at 3,000 tables distributed in 366 schools.

In these provincial elections, governor, 16 provincial deputies, mayors and councilors of 67 municipalities are elected, with the exception of the towns of Resistencia, Makalle and Quitilipi. They will have their municipal processes on November 5.

Elections in Chaco: who are the candidates for governor

September 17, 2023, 07:31 a.m.

Who are the candidates for governor of Chaco competing in these provincial elections (Photo: EFE/Juan Ignacio Roncoroni).

This Sunday, September 17, the general elections in Chaco to define who will be the new governor. In addition, 16 legislators, mayors and councilors are defined, in elections with a single paper ballot.

Who are the candidates in the 2023 Chaco elections

Chaco Front Jorge “Coqui” Capitanich and AnalĂ­a Rach Quiroga Together for Change Leandro Zdero and Silvina Schneider Stream of Renewed Expression Gustavo Martinez and Viviam Polini Front Integrator Juan Carlos Bacileff Ivanoff and Benito Ramon Cesar Picon Freedom Advance Alfredo Rodriguez and Ileana Aguirre Libertarians in Action RubĂ©n Galassi and Marta Kassor United Front for the People Domingo Peppo and NicolĂĄs Matta Workers Party CĂ©sar GermĂĄn BĂĄez and Samanta Salas

Electoral ban in Chaco: everything that is prohibited by the elections

September 17, 2023, 07:16 a.m.

The National Electoral Code establishes restrictions during the electoral act (Photo: TĂ©lam).

This Sunday, September 17, the elections will be held to determine who will be the new governor of the province of Chaco. The National Electoral Code indicates that from Friday the 15th until three hours after the process the province is under electoral ban.

Can you buy and sell alcoholic beverages on election day?

it is sale prohibited of any kind of alcoholic beverages from 8:00 p.m. the day before the election, that is, Saturday, September 16, until three hours after the end of the electoral event. Businesses that sell alcohol during that period must remain closed.

What things are prohibited on election day?

There are some issues that the National Electoral Code prohibits expressly carry out on the day of the election and up to three hours after the end of the process:

– Meetings of voters or deposit of weapons in houses within a radius of eighty meters around the vote receiving table.

– Shows, theatrical and sports parties and any public meeting that does not refer to the electoral event.

– Sell alcoholic beverages.

– Offer or deliver ballots within a radius of eighty meters of the voting places.

– To voters: the carrying of weapons, the use of flags, badges or other insignia.

– Carry out public acts of proselytism and publish, disseminate pre-electoral surveys and polls and projection of the result.

– Open party premises located within a radius of eighty meters from the voting places.

On election day, are entertainment allowed?

No. Popular outdoor or indoor shows, theatrical and sports parties and any public gathering that does not refer to the electoral event are prohibited during its development and up to three hours after it has ended.

On election day, can polls be published?

It is not permitted to publish or propagate pre-election surveys and polls from 08:00 on the Friday before the election and until the voting ends.

Likewise, it is prohibited to share surveys and projections about the outcome of the election during the course of the election and up to three hours after its end. Failure to comply with these restrictions carries financial penalties.

Can I go to vote with any party identification?

No. On election day, no person may use flags, badges or other insignia 12 hours before and three hours after the elections. Violation of this prohibition results in the application of a fine.

Chaco elects governor: possible runoff, the expectation of JxC, the official “platita plan” and the Milei effect

September 17, 2023, 06:47 a.m.

Leandro Zdero, JxC candidate for the governorship of Chaco, and the current president of the province, Jorge Capitanich, who is in his fourth term (Photo: JxC/NA).

Chaco has the peculiarity that it may be the second to last or the last province to elect a governor before the presidential elections, depending on what happens in the next few hours. The people of Chaco will vote this Sunday for their new president, but a adjusted result, and, therefore, a possible runoff. Together for Change (JxC) arrives emboldened with the hope of adding another governor and it was not an impossible scenario either.

In June, in a PASO marked by the femicide of Cecilia Sztrzyzowski, The opposition coalition got 42% of the votes and the radical Leandro Zdero He was the most voted internally. Jorge Capitanich, one of the leaders closest to Cristina Kirchner, He achieved 37%, but since then he has moved the device.

Where I vote in Chaco: how to consult the registry for the 2023 elections

September 17, 2023, 06:22 a.m.

The Electoral Justice enabled consultations for eligible voters in the 2023 elections in Chaco (Photo: EFE/Juan Ignacio Roncoroni).

This Sunday, September 17, elections will be held in the province of Chaco to elect authorities in the positions of governor, vice, 16 legislators, mayors and councilors.

Elections 2023 in Chaco: where to vote and how to consult the electoral roll

The Electoral Justice of Chaco made available on its website the final electoral roll so that all eligible voters can make inquiries about the voting place, table number and order.

Only by entering the DNI number and specifying the gender, the system will provide the requested data. It is worth remembering that the elections begin at 8 a.m. and end at 6 p.m.

Likewise, people between 18 and 70 years old have the obligation to attend the polls. If they are not absent, they have a period of 60 days to justify themselves, otherwise they will receive a fine and will be included in the National Registry of Violators of the Duty to Vote.

Elections 2023 in Chaco: with what document can I vote

The DNI authorized to vote in the PASO elections in Chaco are:

Enrollment booklet.Civic booklet.DNI green booklet.DNI card blue booklet.New DNI card: it is authorized to vote even if it contains the legend “not valid for voting.”

Likewise, voters will not be able to go to the polls with the digital DNI that is on their cell phone and is processed through the My Argentina application, since it is not valid for voting.

Voters whose document corresponds to an earlier copy than the one that appears on the electoral roll will also not be allowed to vote.

Jorge Capitanich under the magnifying glass: how one more defeat can hit UxP in the run-up to the October election

September 17, 2023, 05:46 a.m.

A defeat for Jorge Capitanich in Chaco would leave the Government weakened in the run-up to the October elections (Photo: NA).

When there is little more than a month left for the general elections of October 22, All political action is measured millimetrically, both in the ruling party and in the opposition. And although the focus is on the presidential dispute, there are still provincial contests to be resolved. Several of them will even have their results before the national bid, as was the case in Santa Fe last Sunday, with an overwhelming victory for Together for Change.

This Sunday it will be the turn of Chaco, where Peronism risk one of its bastions. There, the governor Jorge Capitanich He is seeking re-election in the midst of a tense social climate due to the disappearance of Cecilia Strzyzowski and the political ramifications of the case. The impact was clear in the provincial PASO of June 18, where the PJ lost at the hands of the opposition alliance, which achieved 42.66% of the votes, compared to just over 36% for the Peronist Chaco Front.

#Elections #Chaco #Jorge #Capitanich #voted #spoke #crime #Cecilia #Strzyzowski

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