0-1 defeat against Winterthur – Gantenbein again: Servette stays in second place over Easter – Sport

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0-1 defeat against Winterthur – Gantenbein again: Servette stays in second place over Easter – Sport – SRF

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Again and again Adrian Gantenbein: The Winterthur winger had already outsmarted Servette on the Schützenwiese in January with two assists and the equalizing goal to make it 3-3. Gantenbein’s goal to make it 1-0 in the new edition at the same venue should now hurt Geneva a little more in the championship race – YB could move back to three points at the top of the table with a win at Yverdon on Easter Monday.

It was a switch situation that decided the game: After Servette lost the ball in the Winterthur half of the pitch, Sayfallah Ltaief reacted quickly. The Tunisian international perfectly launched Gantenbein, who was sprinting into the depths, on the right side. He kept his nerve in front of goalie Joël Mall and made it 1-0.

Nishimura’s miss from the point

Shortly after the break, Takuma Nishimura wasn’t quite as tough. After Nishan Burkart fouled Keigo Tsunemoto from the penalty spot, the Japanese had a great chance to put Servette on the road to victory in the 49th minute. He tried with force instead of precision and promptly failed: Nishimura hammered the ball onto the top edge of the crossbar.

Overall, the guests’ performance was not enough to win a point. After conceding the goal, there was shockingly little going on up front. In the first half, René Weiler’s team took a wait-and-see approach and only had a significant opportunity through Miroslav Stevanovic. After a good cross from Tsunemoto, his header went miserably wide of the goal in the 39th minute.

Winterthur also largely lacked offensive power, but waited patiently for its chance and then struck ice-cold in the person of Gantenbein. Across all competitions, the supporting team has now been unbeaten for nine games and is currently sitting in 5th place in the table.

This is how it continues

Servette welcomes bottom team Stade-Lausanne-Ouchy to the Léman derby next Wednesday. Winterthur will be a guest at FCZ in Letzigrund on the same day (live on SRF two from 8:10 p.m.).

SRF two, sportlive, March 30, 2024 8:10 p.m.; czü

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