0discreet organization, by invitation: in the footsteps of Elisabeth Borne in the heart of her Calvados region

by time news

The elders of Saint-Manvieu-Bocage (Calvados) were beginning to find the time long for the wishes of the mayor of this small village in the Virois bocage. A personality was waiting. Gathered for the galette des rois of the town, the inhabitants saw the arrival of Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne, “invited by the deputy Freddy Sertin”, says a witness. The latter is in fact the deputy of the tenant of Matignon, elected in the sixth constituency of Calvados last June. Elisabeth Borne tries to return regularly to her chosen land, as at the end of January.

In Saint-Manvieu-Bocage, no one had been informed of this surprise visit. The large sixty guests discovered a Prime Minister “attentive, approachable”, who spoke very succinctly in front of the audience, about retreats among other things, before sharing the cake. “It was very good child, not at all politicized, says a resident. One person was a little more critical, but Élisabeth Borne offered her an interview. In short, a friendly moment, recalling the equally unexpected appearance of the head of government in a PMU bar in Condé-sur-Noireau, on November 26, to watch the France – Denmark football world match.

But these comings also have a more contested facet. Before passing a head to the wishes of Saint-Manvieu, Elisabeth Borne had gone to Vire, for “a time of exchange devoted to the reform of pensions”, says the deputy Freddy Sertin. And to specify: “She comes to ensure that the government’s projects are well understood in the territory. This constituency reflects national issues. It’s a kind of laboratory. “A large hundred people had been invited” by SMS, warning that a very important personality would be present, in a place disclosed at the last moment”, explains Pascal Martin, leader of one of the municipal oppositions in Vire, non- recipient of the famous SMS, which friends showed him.

This discreet organization, by invitation, raises questions. The guests, “association representatives, business leaders, citizens”, details Freddy Sertin, were chosen “according to the theme, without any other selection criteria. We wanted a free and constructive exchange with a representative panel. The guests could bring people with them within the limit of the tonnage”. The newspaper “La Voix le Bocage” reports “absolutely not political but rather technical questions on the operation of the next reform”. Irritated by the organization, Pascal Martin regrets “an inter-self, a lack of dialogue”, pointing to the presence of Renaissance elected officials from the Caen region, and too few local elected officials.

A message relayed by SMS

Several have also stepped up. In Landelles-et-Coupigny, northwest of Vire, Mayor Denis Jouault discovered this meeting, “the next day, on social networks”. What “didn’t make him smile”. “I brought it up to the community council. I was not the only one in this case, ”he adds, still annoyed. To the point that Freddy Sertin called him to apologize, explaining that the message about Elisabeth Borne’s visit had undoubtedly been poorly relayed in the various circles of local elected officials. Denis Jouault is skeptical: “The opposition was hardly invited. I understand that the Minister does not appear too publicly but we want to discuss local problems with her, such as medical deserts. I feel rural mayor and I don’t want us to be left behind. »

The context of the pension reform restricts the organization of public events around the visits of the Prime Minister, the most critics agree. But while the election of Elisabeth Borne as MP for the constituency, with the costume of head of government, had raised hopes for the territory, these visits “on the sly” (Pascal Martin) seem to take on the air of a disillusioned tomorrow. . “We hoped for support for the territory and when it comes, it is to talk about national subjects”, deplores the mayor of Landelles-et-Coupigny, Denis Jouault. An approach of “feeling on the ground” assumed by Freddy Sertin who ensures that MP Borne maintains “direct exchanges” with his constituency. Once past the eye of the storm of the reform, Elisabeth Borne intends to return “every six to eight weeks” on the spot. The organization of the next visits will be closely scrutinized by several elected officials, Pascal Martin grating “that the visit of the Prime Minister to Vire is a non-event, when it should have a popular side”. It remains, perhaps, to watch for an SMS with a mysterious invitation to a public meeting.

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