1 May. This is the flu vaccine.. free (limited) this year, only 7 high-risk groups. You can come first..!?

by time news

Covid-19 is not still. Risk group 608. Loss numbers are still rising. And now the NHSO is offering free flu vaccinations..!! and specifying free vaccines, limited to only 7 risk groups (high) first Who can get it first..!!? Only Bangkok. Book through the app “Pao Tang”, the rest, walk-in, whoever goes first has the right first.. Limited number as well. Doctors pointed out that infected with covids mixed with influenza. The risk of death was 2.35 times higher than COVID-19, and the risk of using a ventilator was 4.14 times higher, and 7 groups were at high risk. Who are those…

Starting this May 1, 4.2 million doses of influenza vaccination are free.

NHSO holds a meeting to clarify service units across the country mobilize for urgent cooperation “Prevent vaccinations Seasonal influenza” starts from 1 May – 31 August. This takes care of 7 groups of people at risk for all treatment rights. Preliminary focus on high-risk groups first, such as patients with comorbidities, immunocompromised patients, etc. With reiteration in 2022, adjust the service to open Walk-in, whoever goes first, has the right to inject first, except for Bangkok, which is open for reservations via the Bao app. gluten Ready to send a message to People at risk via wallet app Reminder for vaccination

On April 25, 2022 Dr. Chakkrit Ngowsiri, Deputy Secretary-General of the National Health Security Office (NHSO) presided over the opening of the clarification meeting Preventive Vaccination Service Guidelines Seasonal influenza year 2022 to service representatives across the country. and interested people through Facebook Live, National Health Security Office. in preventive vaccination services seasonal influenza go in the same direction and achieve the goals set

Dr. Chakkrit said Vaccination service benefits Seasonal influenza under the National Health Security Fund, the NHSO and the Department of Disease Control have continued to To provide service for more than 10 years and in 2022 we continue to operate. to take care of the people Target service of 4.2 million doses (excluding pregnant women who received 200,000 doses of influenza vaccine throughout the year)

ready to speed up the campaign To provide injection services in the first 3 months, i.e. from May 1 – July 31, 2022, will focus on 608 risk groups. The Department of Disease Control confirmed that influenza vaccination along with vaccination against COVID-19 can be injected simultaneously without any side effects, must request the cooperation of the service unit in joining the service to reduce the rate of severe morbidity and mortality from complications of influenza

Dr. Chaninun Sonthichai, Head of Basic Vaccine Development Group Vaccine Prevention Division, Department of Disease Control said influenza before the COVID-19 epidemic, patients and deaths tend to increase But during the Covid-19 situation, the morbidity and mortality rate from influenza has decreased. The result of the campaign of preventive measures reduce the spread of Influenza followed by, however, I would like to emphasize that the at-risk groups still need to be vaccinated against the disease. seasonal flu because now Relaxation measures have been initiated. and may result in influenza come back to spread Therefore, the public relations must be accelerated. to those who are at risk Get vaccinated against influenza as soon as

“objective preventive vaccination seasonal influenza to reduce morbidity and mortality, including complications from influenza in the risk group, while also reducing the number of days of sleep In the hospital of patients down by this year, seasonal influenza vaccine service. Covers protection against 3 strains (an A/Victoria/2570/2019 (H1N1) pdm09-like virus, an A/Darwin/9/2021 (H3N2)-like virus; and a B/Austria/1359417/2021 (B/Victoria lineage)-like virus.), which the World Health Organization It is recommended to be injected with The COVID-19 vaccine can be administered by injecting it in each arm,” said Dr. Chaninan.

On the side, Dr. Satit Timkham, Director of the Support Mission Group access to primary care and health promotion and disease prevention NHSO. Said that the influenza vaccination service in 2022 is different from last year. NHSO has canceled the service provision. Open the vaccination reservation system (Slot), but it is voluntary. and the availability of service units which service unit without vaccination reservation system The service will be in the form of walk-in, whoever goes first has the right to receive the service first (First come – Frist serve). except Bangkok that is still open for reservations for preventive vaccinations influenza in advance By registering through the app “Bao Tang” same as last year in cooperation with Krung Thai Bank and this year there is still a warning message Receive influenza vaccination services to those who are at risk through the app “Bao Tang” and check for nearby service units through this app You may call to inquire with the service unit. before receiving the service

In addition, for the target group receiving services this year …The Department of Disease Control from last year The Department of Disease Control has expanded its target groups into 3 additional groups, namely personnel groups or those performing service duties. COVID-19 patients location address group with a large gathering of people at risk of epidemic and other risk groups, depending on the situation this year, NHSO. has canceled all 3 groups of vaccine services.

by specifying services only for people in 7 risk groups only However, in 2022 data, the number of people in the seven risk groups is 11,555,334 people, of which the influenza vaccine is allocated by the NHSO for 4.2 million doses, or only 36.35 percent of the target group. So ask the service unit Choose people who are at high risk groups, such as those with chronic diseases. immunocompromised people Thalassemia patients, etc., receive vaccination services first.

“Influenza vaccination campaign Will start from 1 May – 31 August 2022 which is the changing season before the epidemic Currently, the Pharmaceutical Organization (GPO) has started distributing influenza vaccines. to the service unit If any service units are ready, they can provide services right away,” said Dr. Satit.

Target groups of people in 7 groups at risk for receiving influenza vaccine services are:

1. Pregnant women, gestational age 4 months or more (services throughout the year)

2. All children 6 months to 2 years old

3. People with chronic diseases as follows:
+ Asthma
+ heart
+ cerebrovascular
+ Kidney failure
+ cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy
+ Diabetes

4. Persons aged 65 years and over

5. Thalassemia and those with impaired immune systems (including symptomatic HIV-infected people)

6. Obesity (weight > 100 kg or BMI > 35 kg per square meter)

7. People with cerebral palsy who can’t help themselves

For more information, please contact NHSO hotline 1330. or online channels, including Line NHSO, Line ID @nhso or click https://lin.ee/zzn3pU6 and Facebook: National Health Security Office https://www.facebook.com/NHSO.Thailand

As the situation spread Of Covid-19 is still not still and now NHSO. Open for free flu vaccination.. Only 7 risk groups first. Backbone MCOT has information about the risks of concern. about influenza that, if they come together in the same person The doctor’s information clearly indicates that there is a risk of death. more than those infected with COVID 2.35 times the risk of using a ventilator alone and 4.14 times the risk of using a ventilator.

This worrisome information comes from Prof. Dr. Teera Woratanarat, Faculty of Medicine Chulalongkorn University who posted on Facebook Thira Woratanarat On March 27, 2022, stated that

research update If infected with COVID-19 along with the flu Swets MC et al published their findings in The Lancet on March 25, 2022. people infected with covid-19 along with the flu will be at risk of death than people with COVID-19 only 2.35 times
and the risk of using a ventilator was 4.14 times higher. reflected on two important issues:

1. Preventing that routine example It is imperative to wear a mask, keep your distance, meet people as needed. and take a short time to avoid eating and drinking or share food with others will help both prevent covid-19 and influenza

2. In addition to the COVID-19 vaccine to prevent severe illness and died yearly flu vaccination It’s also important.

Swets MC et al. SARS-CoV-2 co-infection with influenza viruses, respiratory syncytial virus, or adenoviruses. The Lancet. 25 March 2022

Reference and thanks for information from:

Facebook : National Health Security Office

Facebook : Thira Woratanarat (Prof.Dr. Thira Woratanarat)

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