10 behaviors that risk acute myocardial infarction

by time news

4. Not exercising

Lack of exercise often leads to obesity. which when obese is at risk of hyperlipidemia or may cause fat clots in the arteries causing heart failure

5. Drinking too much caffeine

When the body gets too much caffeine May result in imbalance of mineral salts in the body Causing convulsions, flattened back, collapsed lungs, sudden high blood pressure heart constricted too much Resulting in respiratory and circulatory failure leading to death.

6. Deeply Regret deeply moved

Strong feelings can also be life-threatening. medically referred to as heart failure or the official name Myocardial dysfunction Takotsubo In which patients with this disease will have a very high level of stress hormones secreted suddenly. directly affects the heart and blood vessels It may be related to the inability of the left side of the heart to function normally.

The symptoms are related to the brain’s secretion of catecholamine. Or neurotransmitters such as epinephrine, norepinephrine and dopamine, when there is a lot of stress or there is a serious shock, such as the sudden loss of loved ones, parents, close relatives die. Experienced great disappointment, causing the coronary arteries to contract and harden immediately. The blood therefore cannot pass to the heart. And if it’s been a long time The heart was unable to pump blood normally. lead to heart failure and may eventually lead to death

7. Shock

Shock is often caused by the loss of large amounts of blood, for example, people who have lost a lot of blood in an accident, resulting in insufficient blood supply to the heart or a heart attack.

8. Substance Abuse

Drug use behaviors such as cocaine, amphetamine or drug overdose May result in severe constriction of blood vessels. cause an acute heart attack as well

9. Smoking

People who smoke strongly warn to be careful of their health immediately. because smoking causes the coronary arteries to contract There is the adhesion of fat on the artery walls. Resulting in coronary artery narrowing. Until the heart is deprived of oxygen. coronary artery When the blood cannot reach the heart Colic and chest pain will occur, especially when exercising. There is a chance of sudden cardiac death until death without knowing it.

10 behaviors that risk acute myocardial infarction

10. Easily stressed

People who work hard and are highly stressed are at the greatest risk of developing irregular heartbeat. because stress can stimulate the heart to beat irregularly It may also be one of the causes of hardening of the arteries. which is a condition in which the arteries are fatty There are various inflammations that come on the walls of the blood vessels. causing blockage of the arteries and the risk of ischemic heart disease Especially people who are very stressed and stressed on a regular basis.

Information : Chest Disease Institute

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