10. Dear Reader: Ideas, proposals and not garbage

by time news

The electoral period began, the banners, advertisements, posters and endless graphic forms in which candidates and political parties are promoted, waiting for us to vote for them. Sadly, I have not been able to see government proposals, none, zero, nothing, even though I read newspapers, use social networks and keep myself moderately informed of the national reality. I believe that it is the job of the political parties and their candidates to reach us, the voters, for this reason I hope that the proposals reach me, and since they do not arrive, I will look for them, but they already started badly.

It is also sad to know that political parties have million-dollar budgets for their own promotion and publicity, and none bother to promote broad, developed and above all concrete ideas, those that add up, that seek to contribute to the country’s public sphere. Of course, different candidates have given speeches, have offered things, commented on ideas, but nothing that should be or can be described as serious proposals for executive, legislative or municipal government. Promoting themselves by repeating sentences that would fit in a tweet should subtract points with us voters, and should not be a reason to convince us of anything other than not voting for them.

The importance of a concrete, public and well-structured document that addresses real problems in the country and proposes solutions both immediate and in the short, medium and long term is imperative to believe that it is possible for them to do something good if we place them in the position they aspire to . In a country of more than 100,000 square kilometers of territory, with more than 17 million people, more than 300 municipalities, 22 departments, and almost half a million people employed by the government, it is essential to have a clear and serious work/government plan. that helps not to lose direction in the thousands of problems that a responsible public official is going to have to face.

Dear reader, do a first exercise, if you don’t know who to vote for, find out who NOT to vote for first. Here is an idea of ​​how to filter: does the candidate have merits that make him suitable, capable and honest? If he doesn’t know, there’s no problem, but if he knows that the candidate lacks suitability or ability or honesty, do yourself and do us all a favor: don’t support or vote for that candidate.

Hopefully, and that in the following weeks we will see proposals and not just propaganda that in a short time will be just garbage.

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