10 foods also help you lose weight

by time news
  1. 24vita
  2. Health


Von: Judith Braun

Fat tissue in the abdomen is harmful to health and can make you ill. To get rid of it, one should primarily consume healthy, protein-rich products.

1 / 10Protein is the magic word when it comes to reducing belly fat. Lean meat such as chicken or turkey are particularly good for this. © Annabella/IMAGO
lamb meat
2 / 10Lamb not only contains vitamin B12, plenty of iron, a lot of L-carnitine and saturated fatty acids, but of course also a lot of protein. This therefore helps to reduce belly fat and at the same time supports weight loss. © Yvonne Bogdanski/IMAGO
fish fillet
3 / 10Fish is also an important source of protein and therefore good for reducing the fatty tissue in the abdomen. In addition, it is a valuable food: because fish meat contains, in addition to minerals, iodine and vitamin D, among other things, and should therefore end up regularly on your menu. © CSH/IMAGO
4 / 10Oysters are a real delicacy. If you want to get rid of your belly fat, you should therefore treat yourself to a few mussels more often. Because they also contain plenty of protein. With an average of nine percent protein, they also ensure a lasting feeling of satiety. © Harald Biebel/IMAGO
5 / 10With 13 grams of protein per 100 grams, eggs are also a good source of protein that can help reduce belly flab. © Cavan Images/IMAGO
milk bottle
6 / 10If you want to reduce belly fat, then milk and milk products can also help as they are a good source of protein. © Westend61/IMAGO
7 / 10You can already rely on protein at breakfast: yoghurt, for example, is one of the foods with a high protein content. A conventional yoghurt can provide up to ten grams of protein per 100 grams and help in the fight against belly fat. © bernjuer/IMAGO
8 / 10With cheese you also get plenty of protein and can thus get rid of fat in the abdomen. Of course, you should also pay attention to a balanced diet at the same time. Because with too much protein, you can also take in some calories. This can be both detrimental to health and prevent weight loss. © Shotshop/IMAGO
9 / 10Almonds are an excellent source of fiber, healthy fats and plant-based protein. They therefore help to reduce belly fat and also help you lose weight by reducing appetite and keeping you full for longer. © gustyx/IMAGO
10 / 10Beans contain a lot of high-quality protein and keep you full for a long time. Therefore, they can help to lose weight and belly fat. © Gerard Lacz/IMAGO

In addition to avoiding sugar, eating foods with a lot of protein plays an important role when it comes to reducing belly fat. Because protein is one of the most important micronutrients when losing weight. It also keeps you full for longer, preventing food cravings and boosting your metabolism. Therefore, incorporating protein into your diet and meal plan can be the most effective way to shed dangerous belly fat and improve your health.

Another benefit of protein is that it can prevent a yo-yo effect after you lose weight. So if it continues to be included in the diet after the desired weight loss, it can help to maintain the ideal weight. At the same time, protein can also support muscle building. However, it is important that you generally eat a balanced diet. Because too much protein can also be harmful to your health, as it causes you to absorb some calories. This can eventually lead to liver problems, which can trigger dehydration. Therefore, one should pay attention to a balanced diet, avoid sugar and maintain the protein intake. Whole grain products and berries are also said to have antioxidant properties. They can therefore promote fat loss in this part of the body.

This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. In no way does it replace a visit to the doctor. Unfortunately, our editors are not allowed to answer individual questions about clinical pictures.

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