10 foods that help you lose weight: great for metabolism

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Von: Anna Heyers

Eat your fill and lose weight at the same time? Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. But some foods should definitely be on the menu.

1 / 10Admittedly, it is bitter and therefore not the most popular citrus fruit. But: As a Californian study showed, after eating half a grapefruit, you consume fewer calories and you also feel fuller faster. It is therefore an ideal addition to the diet plan if you want to lose weight. © LuboIvanko/Imago
Different types of nuts in individual bowls.
2 / 10Yes, nuts are high in fat. But they also contain fiber and protein. They are ideal as a small snack between meals. Also because they actively support the metabolism – and thus weight loss – in small quantities. © Achim Sass/Imago
Crisps with cottage cheese and berries.
3 / 10Cottage cheese (see photo) and low-fat quark are also among the foods that should not be forgotten when losing weight. Whether on bread or crisps, in muesli with fruit or hearty with salt and herbs with potatoes – both dairy products have a high protein content and only a few calories. They keep you full for a long time and are rich in calcium. © Zerbor/Imago
Broccoli florets on a board.  In the background broccoli and cauliflower heads in the basket.
4 / 10Cruciferous vegetables, which include broccoli and cauliflower (see photo) as well as Brussels sprouts, are very high in fiber and nutrients. They also contain a comparatively large number of proteins. The vegetable supports weight loss due to its low energy density in combination with proteins. Tip: It is better not to prepare it with a sauce made from roux or a lot of butter. © Westend61/Imago
Close-up of different types of potatoes at a market.
5 / 10Whether potatoes are part of the diet or not is also a controversial issue. But the advantages are clear: the potatoes contain a lot of potassium (important for healthy blood pressure) and other nutrients such as iron and magnesium. They are not necessarily low in carbohydrates. However, allowing cooked potatoes to cool slightly can develop resistant starches, which in turn can be beneficial for weight loss. This also applies to sweet potatoes, turnips or other root vegetables. © Edwin Remsberg/Imago
Various beans and legumes such as chickpeas, black beans and lentils in yellow, red and black.
6 / 10Some legumes and beans (such as chickpeas, lentils, black beans, and kidney beans) are particularly high in healthy fiber and protein. Both keep you full for a long time and you eat fewer snacks and the like throughout the day after a portion of legumes. © Larissa Veronesi/Imago
A bottle of unfiltered apple cider vinegar.
7 / 10If you add a dash of apple cider vinegar to a high-carbohydrate dish, you often feel full more quickly and you automatically eat less. The fruity vinegar is used in stews, for example, or eaten as a vinaigrette with salads. You can even drink it, pure in small portions or diluted with water. © Madeleine Steinbach/Imago
Arugula salad
8 / 10Green leafy vegetables such as rocket (see photo), spinach, iceberg lettuce or kale taste very different. What they have in common, however, are the few calories and carbohydrates and a lot of fiber. They have a very positive effect on digestion. They also contain many vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Here you can eat properly without increasing the number of calories. At least if you do without the overly hearty way of preparing kale. © Virginija Vaidakavic/Imago
Coconut oil in a glass jar, on a wooden spoon and a coconut next to it.
9 / 10Thanks to its many medium-chain fatty acids, coconut oil can boost calorie burning and make you feel full faster. It curbs the appetite, but it’s high in calories. Here it is important to replace some oils with coconut oil when cooking. Not to add it afterwards. © HandmadePictures/Imago
A child holds a basket of eggs.
10 / 10It used to be said that too many eggs are bad for your health, more specifically, for your cholesterol levels. However, researchers have long disproved this. They are rich in proteins, the yolk is particularly nutritious and eggs keep you full for a long time – without having many calories. By the way: If the shell is intact, a boiled egg will last a good two weeks outside of the refrigerator. So you can prepare them perfectly. © Cavan Images/Imago

If you want to reduce your weight, you usually do without many tasty things. But with some foods, you don’t even have to do without them. They are low in calories or boost the metabolism properly. For example, you can eat a lot of green leafy vegetables or cruciferous vegetables and eggs, quark and cottage cheese can fill you up for a long time. You should only be careful with nuts and coconut oil: The good thing here is in the quantity.

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