10 ideas to make an easy bag dispenser at home

by time news

2023-12-05 17:00:46

Do you have a pile of plastic bags scattered around the pantry? Create a dispenser with cardboard tubes, bottles, tissue boxes and the following homemade tricks.

Last update: December 5, 2023

Plastic bags are produced by the millions and are harmful to the environment. Although their use has decreased, many stores still offer them or charge for them, so cupboards and drawers are often filled with them.

With the following ideas you can create a homey bag dispenser that contributes to the organization and reuse of these objects. Give boxes, drums and bottles a new use and take advantage of homemade materials to decorate them!

Why make a home bag dispenser?

Shopping in markets, grocery stores or stores continues to fill the home with plastic bags. Although reusable variants of fabric have grown a lot in recent years, their large-scale production still persists.

In fact, the World Environmental Organization, Greenpeace, Maintains that About five billion copies are manufactured every year in the world, of which only 7% is recycled.. Due to the decades it takes for its degradation, it is a highly polluting element that requires a daily effort to reuse or reduce.

A bag dispenser, in turn, organizes the space where these objects form an uncomfortable bulk when they accumulate. Although it would be best to stop using plastic bags, We can also give them a new use with a decorative element that leaves them close at hand..

10 ideas that will inspire you to create a bag organizer

Grab the scissors, glue, and your stack of bags and place them in these convenient and aesthetic dispensers for do-it-yourself lovers.

1. Use your own plastic bags

A bag dispenser made from bags? Let’s start with a less decorative method, but one that works to organize the pantry and, above all, to learn the folding technique. This method for folding bags is used in several of the ideas that we will see below, and consists of the following steps.

Fold a plastic bag in half. Place another one on top, also folded, but leaving the bottom free. Roll from the bottom up, until you reach the top bag. Stop there and deposit a new one. Repeat the process with all the plastic bags you find scattered around your cupboard or pantry. When you have the complete “tube”, close it by passing another bag behind it that is folded like a strip. Tie a knot at the top and begin to remove the specimens one by one in a comfortable and practical way.

2. How to make a bag dispenser with PVC pipes

If you prefer a firmer tubular element as a dispenser to remove the bags, pay attention to the following homemade method that requires:

Plastic bags 2 caps to close the ends Two-inch PVC tube, 15 centimeters long

The method is very simple. Simply take the tube and pierce one of the covers to remove the bags.. Then, execute the folds one on top of the other, as described in the previous point.

For a tube of this size, between 20 and more copies will enter. Take the last one to roll and leave the handles free, then insert them, close the lid and remove one at a time.

3. Reuse your cans

Prepare a more aesthetic dispenser that can be placed on any counter with the following technique. You will need cans, scissors and lids.

Empty the cans and decorate them as desired. You can paint them, put stickers on them or get inspired by some possible crafts for recycled cans. Make a hole in the lids neatly with scissors or a cutter. To do this, mark the circumference previously with a circular element. It should have a diameter of approximately five centimeters. Fold the bags using the technique from the previous points and place them in the can. Close it with the lid, trying to leave the handles of the last bag on the outside to begin removing.

4. Fill boxes with tissues or wet towels

Other ideal objects to transform into bag dispensers are boxes of tissues, napkins and wet towels. Since they are already prepared for this purpose, the only thing you have to do when they are emptied is to place the bags at the bottom.

Remember to practice the folding technique and leave the last handles overlapping. Insert them into the removal hole and close the tissue box with tape or adhesive.

5. Give your old shirt a new use

If you are one of those who love recycling not only plastic, but other materials, the following method will be your favorite. You will need a shirt that you no longer use, a plastic bottle, silicone to seal and follow the following steps:

Cut a sleeve and the collar of the shirt. Remove the base of the bottle and insert the container inside the sleeve. Remove the excess fabrics and place the glue on the inside of the shirt to close it from the inside. Take the collar of the shirt and glue it on the end with silicone, trying to form a handle to hang the dispenser. Insert the folded bags at the top and remove them from below, at the spout. You can decorate the object with the fabrics and colors you want.

6. With plastic bottles

Bottles are also objects that contribute to pollution, due to their enormous production and short use. Therefore, it is important to look for different ways to reuse them without them accumulating in your home. One of them is to convert them into a bag dispenser, for which you must cut the neck with a cutter or scissors, decorate as desired and then seal.

Make two small holes with a nail and put a loop through. Knot it and use it as a pendant. You can also make an intermediate hole and paint it so that you remove the bags through a character’s mouth.

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7. Use a cardboard tube

An idea similar to the PVC pipe, but with a cardboard copy. This material offers the possibility of decorating it with adhesive paper of different colors. Use hard cardboard that has had paper or aluminum rolls.

Once decorated, just repeat the process of folding the bags and inserting it into the tube. As always, you should get a lid with holes that seals the top, leaving room to remove the bags by the handles. If you have too many cardboard tubes in your home, you can reuse them in many ways!

8. Create dog bag dispensers

Do you have pets to walk and don’t know where to take their waste bags? Take a purse that you no longer use and make a small hole in the bottom. Then, fold the items and place them through the zipper for a convenient and useful portable dispenser.

Use a portable bag dispenser for walks with pets.

9. Dispenser with plastic drums

Other plastic containers that can be reused are water drums. The idea is to cut the lid on three sides to insert the bags and then seal it. Remove them through the lid and make two holes with nails to hang it. In this case, it will have a double function, since the handle can work for wipers.

A dispenser with double function: removing bags and hanging towels.

10. Large jars

If you want to deposit a larger number of bags, reuse the large plastic jars, which otherwise become cumbersome. Here it is best to make the hole in the base, since the mouth is too wide to remove one bag at a time. Decorate it to your liking with techniques such as decoupage!

Decorate your large jars and create a dispenser for many bags.

Other ways to reuse plastic bags

With these ideas you can organize and give new use to the plastic bags that stores continue to deliver. In addition, you will make a functional, homemade object that can contribute to home decoration. If you have many copies hanging around your pantry, there are various ways to reuse them, to Contribute to the environment and avoid single-use plastics.

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