10 Important Psychiatric Diseases to Know: Observing Mental Health Symptoms in Thai Population

by time news

2023-10-31 11:44:20
Title: Increasing Number of Thai People Struggling with Mental Illnesses

Subtitle: Lack of Awareness and Misunderstanding Surrounding Psychiatric Diseases Create Urgent Need for Education and Treatment

[Bangkok, Thailand] – Mental illnesses have become a growing concern in Thailand, with a significant number of Thai individuals grappling with these conditions. Unfortunately, many patients remain unaware of their illness, further exacerbating their symptoms.

Experts reveal that confusion about certain psychiatric illnesses often leads to a misunderstanding that the patient is suffering from a physical ailment. It is crucial to understand that psychiatric diseases are mental or behavioral syndromes that impede various daily activities, causing suffering and impairments.

A lack of awareness about mental illnesses in Thailand is a pressing issue. Some individuals are unaware that they are sick, while others, though aware, do not seek professional help. This exacerbates the progression of symptoms, ultimately leading to life-threatening complications.

It is essential to observe the people around us, including ourselves, for signs of mental illness. If any abnormalities or disruptions to daily life are detected, immediate consultation with a psychiatrist is crucial to receive a diagnosis and treatment plan before symptoms worsen.

Today, we bring you information on ten important psychiatric diseases that everyone should be aware of. By observing ourselves and the people around us, we can identify potential signs of illness and ensure timely intervention and appropriate treatment.

1. Depressive Disorder: The most common mental illness, characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, depression, hopelessness, and disinterest in previously enjoyed activities. Understanding this disease is paramount, as untreated patients are at high risk of suicide.

2. Anxiety Disorder: Prominent symptoms include uncontrollable worrying or repetitive thinking that interferes with daily life. Physical symptoms such as neck pain, palpitations, fatigue, and sleep disturbances may also be present. Anxiety disorders encompass Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, and Specific Phobias.

3. Bipolar Disorder: Individuals with this disorder experience prolonged periods of sadness, alternating with episodes of unusually elevated moods. Other symptoms include decreased sleep, increased distractibility, racing thoughts, and engaging in impulsive behavior.

4. Schizophrenia: A complex and severe group of psychiatric disorders characterized by distorted thoughts, emotions, perceptions, and behaviors. Symptoms may include delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thoughts, and a lack of emotional expression. Medication and therapy are the primary treatments.

5. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD): Individuals with OCD exhibit repetitive behaviors meant to reduce anxiety. These behaviors often stem from persistent, unwanted thoughts. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is the main form of treatment, sometimes combined with anxiety medication.

6. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): This mental disorder arises after exposure to a threatening or life-threatening event, causing severe psychological distress. Symptoms include nightmares, avoiding triggering situations, and changes in mood and cognition. Prompt treatment by a psychiatrist or psychologist is crucial.

7. Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): A brain disorder characterized by symptoms such as lack of concentration, restlessness, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Treatment involves creating an environment conducive to focus, providing education to parents and teachers, and administering medication, if necessary.

8. Eating Disorders: These disorders involve unhealthy eating habits and an obsession with weight and appearance. Anorexia Nervosa entails severe restrictions on food intake, while Bulimia Nervosa involves episodes of binge-eating followed by purging behaviors.

9. Borderline Personality Disorder: People with this disorder experience mood swings, fear of abandonment, and difficulty maintaining stable relationships. Self-harm behavior and suicidal thoughts may be present.

10. Substance Use Disorder: Individuals with this disorder struggle to control their substance use despite being aware of the negative consequences. Treatment involves behavioral therapy, along with medication for associated psychiatric conditions.

Effective treatment for mental illnesses necessitates support from mental health professionals, family, and society. Encouragement, understanding, and cooperation play vital roles in the recovery process.

Dr. Ariyaporn Tangchiwinsirikul, a psychiatrist at BMHH – Bangkok Mental Health Hospital, emphasizes the importance of raising awareness about mental illnesses and encourages early intervention and appropriate treatment.

For more health-related articles, visit our website, where you can find information on various topics to help manage your well-being.

Reference: Dr. Ariyaporn Tangchiwinsirikul, Psychiatrist at BMHH – Bangkok Mental Health Hospital. (Picture source: Pormezz via Shutterstock)]
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