10 oriental decoration tips that you can apply in your home

by time news

The oriental decoration is as exotic as it is striking. Read on and find out how you can make your home look like a little corner of Asia.

Last update: March 31, 2023

In stores, houses, apartments and in many other places, we can see elements of oriental decoration. This is a very popular trend nowadays, in which motifs inspired by different Asian cultures are used.

Buddha statues, Chinese vases and porcelain in general, globe-shaped lamps and room dividers combine to help convey an idea of ​​serenity and tranquility, taking into account some of the principles of feng shui.

If you want to achieve this exotic and captivating effect, keep reading and learn about our oriental decoration tips that you can apply in your home. Take note.

How is the oriental decoration?

When we talk about “oriental decoration”, the term may seem a bit vague, because it encompasses a wide diversity of cultures. On the one hand, there are the countries of Arab influence, in what is known as the Middle East; then India; but in the Far East China and Japan predominate.

Without prejudice to the others, these last countries are the ones that most inspire the trend we are talking about. Above all, some of the principles of the feng shui for interior design.

However, within oriental decoration there is variety. Let’s see some of its characteristics, adapted to the West:

  • Multiple styles can be merged or joined.
  • The goal is to create harmony and tranquility and invite relaxation.
  • Contrasts can be observed between elements with cold tones and hot colors.
  • It involves the decorative use of elements with symbolic value or even spiritual significance.
  • In certain cases there is a trend towards minimalism; although in others there is more abundance of elements.

The best oriental decoration tips for your home

To have an oriental decoration, not only the incorporation of Chinese or Japanese motifs should be thought of. Certain principles must be taken into account in terms of furniture, tones and general harmony of the space.

1. Sobriety and balance

In an oriental decoration, the goal sought is a harmonious interior. This does not necessarily mean being minimalist, but excesses in terms of decorations should be avoided.

You have to bet on sobriety and balance. The distribution of the furniture and the elements is important, in order to maintain the visual weight, for which it is necessary to play with the shapes, sizes and tones.

Of course, this does not always mean being rigorously symmetrical, but it does mean ordering. every thing in its place, attending to functionality as well as aesthetics.

The Japanese-inspired oriental style is clean, with few objects present in the rooms.

2. Natural elements

On the one hand, the use of natural materials is recommended, rather than synthetic. That is, no plastic, but instead incorporate furniture made of stone, wood, rice paper, silk or bamboo.

These have a symbolic value of connection to the earth. In addition, they offer a variety of possibilities to achieve different effects in spaces, since they harmonize very well with each other.

On the other hand, a small water fountain or other auditory pieces (sound of a waterfall, of a breeze) can be added, as well as fragrances, to have the sensation that we are immersed in nature.

3. Soft tones with lively touches

Continuing with the previous point, in oriental decoration natural tones are used, especially the soft ones, as beige and brown, reminiscent of sand or logs. Sometimes green, associated with vegetation.

White is also common on walls or furniture. But touches of brighter and more vivid colors can be applied to contrast, such as red and orange. Gold and bronze are very characteristic in vases or statues.

4. Lighting

The lighting is diffused, tending to prefer natural light. For this, it is recommended to place rice paper panels.

This effect is also sought with the lamps, to create an atmosphere of greater intimacy. A characteristic element of oriental decoration are the globe-type screens, made of bamboo and paper.

5. Low furniture

In general, lower furniture is preferred, compared to western usage. The seat of a typical sofa is about 60 centimeters away, while a majli Arabian only rises 15 centimeters off the ground.

Of course, the coffee tables must be of a proportional height. And since the furniture is not very large, this contributes to the impression of the spaces looking more spacious.

In the same way, low beds are used in the bedroom, sometimes consisting only of a mat or mat on the floor. Although it is stated that it is not very good to sleep on the floor for the back and neck.

The furniture must be made of wood (cedar or teak). Straight lines tend to be seen more, as well as highly varnished surfaces. A silk cushion should not be missing.

6. Carpets and tatamis

The rugs used in oriental decoration are in tune with the sober character. That is, Persian or Turkish designs are rejected. Rather, minimalist designs are preferred, with a single tone, in beige or earth. Likewise, tatamis are used in the living room, dining room or bedroom.

7. Sliding doors

Sliding doors, like the ones we see in the movies, are called shoji. They have the particularity that not only help save space, but filter light, creating a comfortable environment. They are made of wood and rice paper.

8. Zen garden

An oriental decoration is incomplete without a zen garden. Made with sand, gravel and stones, these They constitute an ideal space for meditation and philosophical reflection..

If you do not have the space for a life-size one, there is the possibility of acquiring it in miniature. Thus, it serves as a decorative element.

9. Ornaments and accessories

And we cannot fail to mention the ornaments to complement the oriental decoration, some of which are typical of the symbology of traditional Japanese houses. Among the most used are the following:

  • Vases: there are different types, like those white and blue ones in the Ming dynasty style; or the beautiful satsumawith a predominance of gold.
  • paintings and tapestries with the same or other motifs, including Chinese ideograms, the ying and the Which or the trigrams of I-Ching.
  • Small statues: of Buddha, samurai, geishasminiature pagodas, the kitten that wags its paw (maneki neko).
  • Lampscandelabra and censers.
The Buddha statues are placed in oriental decoration in the belief that good fortune is encouraged in the place.

10. Other ideas and recommendations

In oriental decoration, differences between styles can be noticed. Therefore, we can lean towards one of them or prefer distinctive elements of one culture over the other:

  • Japanese: more minimalist.
  • Chino: with lots of bright red and yellow.
  • Arabic: geometric trend.
  • Hindu: quite colorful.

The Far East at home

Decorating in the oriental style can be something as simple as placing a tapestry, some porcelain and some panels; that is, we do not need to reload objects. Rather, This is a trend that, although it is still exotic, is a little closer to minimalism..

On the other hand, if you cannot or do not want to modify the entire house, it is possible to set up a small room for tea. You include a low table and some exquisite teapots and cups. Do not forget a carpet at the entrance, since it is an oriental custom to take off your shoes to enter the spaces.

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