10 reasons why the house looks dirty even if you clean daily

by time news

If you pass the broom over and over again without shaking the dust off the furniture, wash and do not pick up the dishes or leave things scattered everywhere, disorder will be the protagonist in your home. We reveal how to deal with it.

10 reasons why the house looks dirty even if you clean daily

Last update: March 18, 2023

Using the best products or having the latest generation household appliances are not guarantees of neatness in the home. Sometimes, even if you clean every day, the house looks dirty. This is due to poor sanitation or counterproductive habits.

Customs such as drying the drops that spatter the stained glass windows, wiping with a cloth to remove the grease from the counter or not leaving shoes in the middle of the room, contribute to the prevailing order and hygiene.

It is uncomfortable to perceive an unwanted appearance, especially when you clean daily. In addition, disorder and unkemptness affect the tranquility of those who live together. How to solve it? The key is to go a little further and adopt routines like the ones we will explain to you.

Why is it necessary to clean the house well?

The answer is simple: for health. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), cleaning is a crucial step in eradicating most microbes on surfaces in the home.

The institution’s argument is that by using household formulas with detergent or soap, you minimize the number of microorganisms and the risk of infection. Per the CDC’s recommendation, it would be wise to clean with these options before resorting to other chemicals.

Besides, The cleanliness of the environment translates into a comfortable and aesthetically pleasing environment. It even influences emotional well-being.

Whenever you clean the house, you benefit your physical and mental health

How cleanliness and order in the home is good for physical and mental health? The absence of disorder has less scope in the overstimulation generated by a cluster of visual stimuli, such as different pieces scattered around the house, for example.

For his part, News Medical Life Sciences exposes that household chores are a method to relieve stress, in which you exercise and practice mindfulness. In fact, they suggest that cleansing in a conscious state has positive effects, such as feeling inspired and lowering negative charges.

No matter how much you clean, these are the reasons that make the house look dirty

What happens when you constantly clean and a dirty image of the house persists? Some of the factors listed below may prevail.

1. Bad smell

Aromatizing the house is relaxing and conveys a feeling of cleanliness. As an article from the Mexican Journal of Sociology, Just as one judges whether a meal is good or bad by its smell, one also tends to judge the environment.

So, appealing to natural flavorings is a method to collaborate with harmony and the perception of order. Lavender, cinnamon and pine are some ideal scents.

Scenting with lavender is a simple way to improve the atmosphere after cleaning.

2. Dust everywhere

Dusting the house implies cleaning the moldings, the walls, the cracks in the door and all the areas that, however insignificant they may seem, are filled with polluting particles.

Imagine that a visitor arrives, grasps a bracelet and the hand is covered in dust. It is very likely that you think that the rest of the house is dirty.

When you clean, remember even the baseboard. The items in which dust tends to accumulate and become a source of mites are the following:

  • Camas.
  • Furniture.
  • Booksellers.
  • shelves.

3. Even if you clean, the darkness makes the house look dirty

When the lighting in the rooms is not adequate, the environment appears dirty. Mainly in houses that do not have so many bright entrances, It is pertinent to have white light bulbs and savers, They provide a feeling of spaciousness and hygiene.

On the other hand, if natural light plays in your favour, try to use light curtains and place plants in key points. These strategies greatly improve the appearance of any room, helping to make them look clean.

4. Not planning weekly or monthly cleaning

Passing the broom alone is not enough. The house looks neat as long as you plan a weekly basic cleaning and another deep one, at least once a month. The weekly actions include washing bathrooms, scrubbing the floors and dusting the furniture.

Now, with more preparation, dedicate one day of the month to the same tasks, adding the cleaning of drawers, cabinets, windows and doors. The idea is to cover all the spaces, taking the opportunity to throw away what is in poor condition and donate what you don’t need.

5. Show off cracked floors

If there is a fault in the floors and at the moment you cannot repair it, it is time to camouflage it. Leaving it in plain sight conveys an impression of carelessness. To save the inconvenience, lay out a rug that matches the decor and prevents the crack from continuing to expand.

6. Leave dirty dishes

As you use the crockery and cutlery, wash it, dry it and put it away in its proper place. As long as there is a mountain of dishes, the clutter will not leave the house.

Do not leave any objects piled up in the sink or on the counter. Even if fatigue does its thing, it is preferable to invest a few minutes in washing what is dirty.

Piled up and dirty dishes will never let the rest of the house shine.

7. Not taking advantage of technology

Robot vacuum cleaners represent one of the significant technological contributions to facilitate household chores. These self-contained devices suck up dirt from the floor, while you spend those minutes on other activities to decorate the house.

Yes, sweeping brushes are perpetually valid, but innovations that save time and physical effort are worth giving a chance. By getting the most out of this class of appliances, you reinforce cleanliness and the house will not look dirty.

8. Toilet utensils in poor condition

Cleaning utensils deserve to be in proper condition. A worn broom, torn rags and a featherless duster are other elements that detract from the appearance of the house. Clean up the cleaning tools and, If they have completed their cycle, it is appropriate to replace them.

9. Splashes in the bathroom make the house look dirty, even if you clean

It is almost inevitable that the sink, mirrors and screen will end up splattered with toothpaste, soap and shampoo, respectively. If you leave them for many days with the dirt, you complicate the removal of stains and you risk leaving a mark, which adds weight to the bad appearance of the bathroom.

Make sure you leave the sink free of toothpaste and hair that falls from combing your hair. Clean the mirrors with a microfiber cloth or newspaper and apply products to sanitize glass or solutions with vinegar on the screen.

The non-profit organization options highlights that vinegar, being acidic, takes lime, organic matter and dilutes soap particles, while preventing mold and providing a fresh environment.

10. Ignore grease in the kitchen

In particular, the countertops and cabinets near the stove end up with traces of the oil you use to cook. If the finish of the cabinets is matte, the more noticeable are grease stains, which spoils the appearance of an area as delicate as the kitchen.

When the food prep area flashes dirt, it will make the rest of the house reflect the same.

Do not allow burned oil to remain on the surfaces for a long time, because it will be difficult to erase later. For this task, the use of non-abrasive degreasers is relevant.

Do not leave drops of fat in the kitchen. Clean immediately after eating.

The value of building good habits so that the house does not look dirty after you clean

Most of the time, a house looks dirty for behaviors that seem insubstantial, but in the long run they become bad routines. One of them is to fill an armchair in the room with the clothes that you are taking off or with the recently washed ones that you did not immediately take to the closet.

It is customary to deposit the dirty in a basket and save the laundry as soon as it dries. It seems annoying, but perseverance makes it a habit that you will value later.

Building habits of order and cleanliness is the secret of a spotless house. And family involvement is valuedWell, if everyone does their part, they will live together in a neat and pleasant environment.

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