10 tips for working differently in 2024 – L’Express

by time news

2023-12-27 06:30:00

#1 Forget team building

The feeling of a “we” is not the result of agglutinative formations. It arises from the contingency of circumstances, explains our columnist Julia de Funès. The philosopher specializing in work gives you the real recipe for an effective collective. To discover here.

#2 Get rid of bulky items

Micromanagement, excess procedures… There are practices in business that stifle collective intelligence. And harm performance. Our analysis can be read here.

#3 Think twice before issuing a meeting invitation

Meetings have been happening at a crazy pace for several years. However, around 70% of them prevent employees from working and completing all their tasks. And there are many other colossal costs to reunionitis.

#4 Once the invitation has been issued, know how to lead this meeting masterfully

Duration, number of participants, video… Author of The surprising science of meetings, American researcher Steven Rogelberg gives his advice based on studies. Click here to find out more.

#5 Reconcile yourself with authority

How can we avoid this egalitarian nonsense without returning to the authoritarianism of yesteryear? How can we avoid the current demagoguery of the all-horizontal, while avoiding the past rigidity of the all-vertical? By reaffirming authority, which is halfway between the two pitfalls. Read the fascinating analysis by Julia de Funès.

#6 How to manage salary gaps between colleagues?

It’s a subject that regularly fuels conversations in the canteen. A reason for jealousy and sometimes injustice, remuneration divides within a company. So should you discuss the amount with your colleagues? The answer to this taboo question can be found here.

#8 Work on your sense of repartee

Who hasn’t found themselves one day confronted with a dubious joke, an attack or a criticism in the middle of an open space or in the middle of a meeting? There’s nothing like a strong response to neutralize any attempt at destabilization. Behind every manager is not necessarily an actor. But with a little practice, anyone can become an ace at replicating. Our explanations.

#9 Learn Charisma Tactics

If you thought charisma was all about looks or presence, you’ll be surprised. Professor John Antonakis has identified twelve tactics of charismatic leadership (TLC), nine verbal and three non-verbal. Find our interview with this professor of organizational behavior at HEC Lausanne, who defends a scientific approach.

#10 Lessons from Chinese management

In “Dragon tactics”, Sandrine Zerbib and Aldo Spaanjaars describe what distinguishes “Chinese-style” management from Western methods. Where we learn that brainstorming is good, but not spending the year there is better. The keys to Chinese management? Agility and responsiveness, valuable leadership qualities in emergency situations. Our interview can be read here.

#tips #working #differently #LExpress

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