10 warning symptoms of “liver disease”. Keep observing yourself to help you heal quickly : PPTVHD36

by time news

Liver disease is a disease caused by injury to the liver. or permanent scarring until causing fibrosis in the liver slows the performance of the liver starting from protein production Dealing with toxins in the body The flow of blood through the liver is inconvenient. or in some cases may be blocked at all depending on how severe the symptoms are causing the system of the body to fluctuate and may lead to other diseases can follow as well

The “liver” is not working, what will happen? Check the cause of organ damage before it’s too late.

what happened when “fatty liver” disease that comes with eating and obesity

important function of the liver Is to help in the production of bile. which this bile will serve to digest fat food and dealing with various toxins that the body accepts and then excreted from the body without leaving any residue It also serves to produce substances that help the blood clot. causing the blood to stop flowing when experiencing various events People with liver problems often start with symptoms that aren’t so clearly defined, so be sure to keep a close eye on yourself.

Symptoms that tell you you may have liver disease

1. have weakness can’t sleep well but often feel sleepy during the day Feeling tired easily, like a person without strength Some people may experience nausea. bored with food and have flatulence, indigestion, like when eating including more frequent burping

2. Irregular menstruation, may be absent at all or irregularly although normally never Some men may have enlarged breasts. have pain in the breast And some people may cause testicular atrophy. or decreased sexual performance for unknown reasons

10 warning symptoms of

3. Sudden itching in different parts of the body because bile has accumulated in that area of ​​the skin. Thus causing itching to come up.

4. Yellow body, yellow eyes, similar to a person with jaundice Because the liver can not function to excrete bile from the liver. until it spreads to the eyes and the body until yellow

Hepatitis B virus is a silent threat, easy to spread, causing life-threatening disease.

Cirrhosis, Viral Diseases and Eating Habits – Drink Your Own

5. Swelling occurs in the back of the feet, arms, legs and abdomen because the liver is unable to make proteins in the blood.

6. When a wound occurs will make the bleeding easier than usual and does not stop flowing easily Because the liver can not produce substances that cause blood to clot.

10 warning symptoms of

7. Some people have started to have more severe symptoms. There may be vomiting blood due to high pressure in the liver. until the veins in the esophagus have high pressure If the pressure is very high, it can cause the veins to rupture.

8. The immune system in the body is reduced. make sick or more easily infected

9. There is a tight pain in the rib cage. a burning sensation in the chest cavity including having a tightness in the abdominal muscles until it is the source of lower abdominal pain

10. If you try to observe the corners of the mouth and lips, you will see that the color is abnormally dark. Including the tongue will turn dark purple. and the edge of the tongue will have pressure marks on the teeth as well

These are just some of the more noticeable symptoms. In addition, some people feel stressed, irritable, easily irritable, forgetful, which at first glance seem like normal people. However, many analyzes may be required. components together whether you are prone to liver disease

Thank you health information from Paolo Hospital Phahonyothin

good or bad liver health Just by FIBROSCAN method, you can know.

“Chronic hepatitis B” is no small matter. may cause serious disease in the future

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