100 cars involved and a 43 year old dead

by time news

Reggio Emilia, 6 February 2024 – A real one hell of sheet metal, become traps, among the fog has descended over a large part of the Bassa and the provinces of Reggio and Modena. This is the almost apocalyptic scenario who registered yesterday onA22 of Brenner. In fact, around a hundred vehicles were involved in a massive pile-up that was five kilometers long. About 25 injuredone of which was serious.

Fog, nightmare on the A22. Chain crashes: one hundred vehicles involved and one 43-year-old dead

But that’s not all: due to the queue that formed in the opposite direction linked to the ‘curious’, in another collision between heavy vehicles A 43-year-old truck driver has died.

The first accident It occurred around 8.20am yesterday morning, on the A22 of Brennero at km 293, heading south, between Reggiolo and Carpi.

For reasons now being investigated by the Modena Nord traffic police, two heavy vehicles – one of which is loaded with livestock – they collided violently.

The fog was still thick at that time and suddenly all the cars arriving behind them, vans and other heavy vehicles ended up against each other, forming a long snake of twisted sheet metal.

The alarm went off At least seven traffic police patrols, several fire engines with the team from the Carpi detachment and Autogru from Modena rushed to the scene immediately, which extracted some people trapped between the sheets together with three other teams from Reggio Emilia, Mantua, Guastalla and Suzzara to intervene on a second accident that occurred at km 288 south, which is not far away and which also involved heavy vehicles.

the rescues, precisely because of thick fog they are results difficult: the air ambulance was unable to take off and ambulances and medical vehicles entered the motorway, traveling against traffic for a stretch. Obviously Entry and exit motorway toll booths were closed and kilometre-long queues immediately formed. We are talking about eight distinct groups of accidents that occurred simultaneously: seven in the south direction and one in the north.

Shortly afterwards, precisely because of this latest crash, a new accident occurred a few minutes earlier at km 308 heading north, near Campogalliano. The driver of the vehicle that collided was pulled from the wreckage by the firefighters and entrusted to the paramedics who arrived on site. who tried to defibrillate him for a long time but, unfortunately for the man, a 43-year-old Albanian resident in the province of Cuneo, there was nothing that could be done.

The terrible and tragic crash resulted in a new traffic paralysisin order to facilitate rescue operations and the removal of vehicles. Obviously the situation also had serious repercussions on the entire city road system until the early afternoon.

Traffic police officers carried out the measurements for hours while the motorists who reported minor damage to their vehicles made an amicable assessment.

They are overall 19 injured people were transferred to hospitals in Modenamost with bruises, chest trauma and minor sprains and already partly discharged.

A family of three was treated in the Emergency Department of the Polyclinic for chest trauma: 38-year-old husband, 27-year-old wife and three-year-old daughter, who remained under observation.

The young woman was instead admitted to surgery. One of the motorists involved instead suffered more serious injuries and is now hospitalized in Bologna: he is a 52-year-old man.

Two others were seriously injured brought to Baggiovara by the Red Cross of Reggiolo are two spouses residing in Predazzo di Trento aboard a Nissan: she, 69 years old, with multiple traumas, was stuck in the vehicle; he, 78 years old, with medium serious injuries. They shouldn’t be life threatening.

They are now underway investigations by the traffic police of Modena Nord, to reconstruct the terrifying maxi collision.

Also yesterday morning, around 8.30, a crash occurred at the same time on A1, between Reggio and Modena, at kilometer 153 south around 8.30 am. Ambulances arrived for help and a long queue formed due to the inconvenience. In this case, however, fortunately no serious injuries were reported. Just a lot of traffic slowdowns.

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