100,000 places still vacant, according to Sylvie Retailleau

by time news

94,000 high school students have not yet received any offers for the rest of their course. This Sunday, the Minister of Higher Education announced that candidates could choose from “100,000 training places still vacant” on Parcoursup.

“Candidates can choose from 100,000 training places still vacant, in just over 5,800 different training courses”, assures Sylvie Retailleau in the columns of the JDD. She specifies that these places are located “both in the new Accès Santé licenses (62 LAS still have places), in law, economics-management or literature licenses, as well as in selective training such as preparatory classes, who no longer fill up everywhere, in BTS or BUT”.

“Parcoursup is continually improving”

According to the Parcoursup dashboard, 94,000 candidates have not yet received any proposals during the main phase. There were around 91,000 in 2021. But for Sylvie Retailleau, “Parcoursup has been improving continuously, year after year, for five years. Today, at the end of the main phase, just over nine out of ten high school students have received at least one admission offer. The process was smoother. And there was less waiting for the candidates than last year, ”she says.

According to her, “at the end of the main phase, 83.1% of all applicants, i.e. high school students, reorientation students and people returning to study, received at least a proposal in 2022, compared to 82.8% in 2021”.

“Improve the orientation of students”

Asked about possible improvements to the platform, the Minister felt that it was necessary “above all to improve the orientation of students. There has already been a lot of work done. There has never been so much information on training as on the Parcoursup platform. Now we need to make it all more accessible. We are working on it with my colleague Pap Ndiaye, the Minister of National Education”.

“The future half-day which will be set up from the 5th will in particular make it possible to make all the professions better known and to improve orientation”, she added. Moreover, on the subject of the creation of university places at the start of the school year, “the government has already created 84,000 places in higher education in five years” and will “continue this effort”, assured Sylvie Retailleau.

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