104-Year-Old Man Fractures Femur, Successful Surgery in Brindisi – Health and Wellness

by times news cr

2024-08-03 06:31:39

(ANSA) – BRINDISI, 01 AUG – He falls and fractures a femur, undergoes surgery at 104 years old, and in the ward a few days after the operation he is put back on his feet for his first steps. This is the story of a pensioner from the province of Brindisi who in recent days was operated on at the ‘Perrino’ hospital by the team of Gianfranco Corina, director of the UOC of Orthopedics and Traumatology for a pertrochanteric fracture of the femur.
The limb, explained the Brindisi ASL, was put “back in place without complications, as confirmed by a further post-operative check-up which certified the success of the operation”.
“These results – Corina specifies – are only possible thanks to the synergy that we have managed to create between us and with the other specialists who support us in these circumstances, such as anesthetists and cardiologists. We wish the 104-year-old and all our patients good health”. Pertrochanteric fractures, such as the one suffered by the centenarian, and those of the femoral neck, “are burdened by high morbidity and mortality. In these cases, therefore, the speed of the surgical intervention is essential and must be performed within 48 hours of the trauma”.
The team led by Corina is not new to this type of intervention. “Data in hand, the Orthopedic Uoc of Perrino – they report from the ASL Brindisi – is among the top in Italy for the timely treatment of femoral fractures”.

2024-08-03 06:31:39

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