107,240 new cases and 94 deaths – time.news

by time news
from Silvia Morosi

Data for Thursday 7 July. Hospitalizations (+332) and intensive (+18) are on the rise. 28.35% positivity rate

The epidemic curve in Italy continues to rise. I’m 107.240 the new cases of Covid in the last 24 hours, against the 107,786 of yesterday (here the bulletin), but above all the 83,274 of last Thursday. Therefore, one hundred thousand infections have been exceeded for the third consecutive day. It goes up like this at least 19.157.174 the number of people who have contracted the SARS-CoV-2 virus (including recovered and died) since the outbreak began. THE deaths today I am 94 (yesterday 72), for a total of 168,864 victims from February 2020 ***.

The rate of positivity

The swabs are 378,250 (yesterday 380,035) with a positive rate remains stable at 28.4% (28,35%).

The health situation

The region with the largest number of cases today is the Lombardy with 13,595 infections, followed by Campania
(+13.254), Lazio (+11.333), Veneto (+10.052) e Puglia (+8.826). The discharged / healed in the last 24 hours are 55,629 (51,183 yesterday) for a total that rises to 17,789,613. The currently positive ones are 52,663 more (yesterday +58,762) for a total that reaches 1,198,697. Of these, 1,189,802 are in home isolation. And there are 138,361,711 doses of vaccine administered in total. Here the monitoring of the Gimbe.

Data from Lombardy

According to the daily bulletin issued by Lombardy region on the spread of Covid-19, compared to 52,770 swabs carried out, there are 13,595 new positives (25.7 percent). The number of patients admitted to intensive care has dropped by 3, but those in the wards are 44 more than yesterday. They register 17 deaths, for a total of 40,898 since the start of the pandemic. In the Lombard provinces there are 1,863 infections in Milan city; 1.101 in Bergamo; 1,634 in Brescia; 673 in Como; 472 in Cremona; 360 in Lecco; 289 in Lodi; 610 in Mantua; 1,192 in Monza and Brianza; 796 in Pavia; 257 in Sondrio; 1,166 in Varese.

Mattarella: Pandemic requires new cooperation

The need to overcome the health emergency and its heavy socio-economic consequences has placed issues such as universal access to vaccines for health protection and the consequences on the most fragile economies, by imposing new and more effective ways of cooperation. Cos Sergio Mattarella speaking to the Parliamentary Assembly in Lusaka. Despite the steps taken, almost two years after the start of vaccination campaigns, much remains to be done to ensure adequate protection for all the most vulnerable people. Especially on the African continent, vaccination rates remain unsatisfactory in many cases, both due to difficulties in obtaining vaccines and due to criticalities in their distribution and administration, which would require significant investments for an efficient network of health services. The President of the Republic also recalled that Italy, in the framework of its Presidency of the G20 last year, was at the forefront in promoting the widest diffusion of vaccination campaignsand last week’s delivery 500 thousand new doses of vaccines represents the last, concrete, testimony of this commitment.

The cases region by region

The data provided below, broken down by region, concerns the number of new cases registered in the last 24 hours. Here is the table with the overall data provided by the Ministry of Health.

Lombardy: +13,595 cases (yesterday +13,681)
Veneto: +10,052 cases (yesterday +10,745)
Campania: +13,254 cases (yesterday +13,923)
Lazio: +11.333 cases (yesterday +11.257)
Emilia Romagna: +8,671 cases (yesterday +9,016)
Piedmont: +5,197 cases (yesterday +5,190)
Sicily: +8.739 cases (yesterday +8.920)
Tuscany: +5,644 cases (yesterday +5,560)
Puglia: +8.826 cases (yesterday +8.559)
Marche: +3.076 cases (yesterday +2.885)
Liguria: +2.370 cases (yesterday +2.299)
Abruzzo: +2.714 cases (yesterday +2.675)
Friuli Venezia Giulia: +2.036 cases (yesterday +1.931)
Calabria: +3.844 cases (yesterday +2.539)
Sardinia: +2.981 cases (yesterday +3.501)
Umbria: +1.872 cases (yesterday +1.940)
PA Bolzano: +687 cases (yesterday +640)
P. A. Trento: +751 cases (yesterday +744)
Basilicata: +1.062 cases (yesterday +1.088)
Molise: +415 cases (yesterday +551)
Valle d’Aosta: +121 cases (yesterday +142)

Here all the bulletins of 2022, here those of 2021 and here those of 2020.

*** Note:

– The Abruzzo region announces that 5 cases have been eliminated from the total of positive cases: 2 as reported from another region and 3 as non-Covid patients. He also announced that for technical problems regarding the data relating to healed, deceased and cases by province, yesterday’s data will be re-proposed and the realignment will be carried out tomorrow.
– The Basilicata region announces that the data relating to Covid-19 cases in home isolation and the healed, reported today in the relevant fields, under review on the regional Covid-19 platform and will be updated as soon as consolidated.
– The Emilia-Romagna region announces that 2 cases communicated in the previous days have been eliminated, as they are not considered Covid-19 cases.
– The Friuli-Venezia Giulia region announces that the total of positive cases has been reduced by 1 following a positive test removed after review of the case (case related to the province of UD).
– The Region of Sicily announces that on the total number of confirmed cases communicated today, n. 1154 relate to days prior to 06/07/22 (of which n. 1020 of 07/05/2022, n. 82 of 07/04/2022, n. 9 of 07/03/2022, n. 4 of 02 / 07/2022, n. 6 of 01/07/2022) and that deaths reported today relate to the following days: n. 3 to 06/07/2022 – n. 9 to 05/07/2022 – n. 3 to 04/07/2022 – n. 1 to 03/07/2022 – n. 1 as at 30/06/2022 – n. 1 as of 06/28/2022.
– The Umbria region announces that 5 of the non-ICU admissions belong to the discipline codes of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Pediatrics and 70 belong to other discipline codes.

July 7, 2022 (change July 7, 2022 | 19:01)

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