10th birthday in papal status! A call to pray for the Blessed Virgin Mary for Pope Francis

by time news

VATICAN CITY: Just a month away from the 10th anniversary of Pope Francis’ ordination, a call to pray for Pope Francis with the ‘Mary full of goodness…’ An online prayer facility has also been set up with the aim of giving an opportunity to the believers from all over the world to give the 10th birthday gift to the Pope. On March 13, 2013, Pope Francis was elected as the 266th successor of Saint Peter.

A web link at decimus-annus.org has been prepared for the online prayer initiative called ‘Digital Synod’. The online facility is also attractive with the opportunity to light a candle and pray. After visiting this web link, enter how many times you wish to recite the Hail Mary, and the candles will be lit online.

It is also fascinating that the candle can be seen in the country we represent on the map included on the web page. The web page also has an opportunity to invite others to join the project as well. The organizers also revealed that the Pope will be presented with a picture of the map showing the lit candles according to the prayers of the Blessed Virgin Mary recited for the Pope in thanksgiving for God’s grace.

‘The Pope, who leads the universal Church, the successor of Peter, is the vicar of Christ on earth and the spiritual father of the Catholic faithful. So it is our duty and responsibility to pray for the Pope and thank him for his services for us. We should also be grateful to God who keeps his church firm on this rock,’ the organizers stated at the launch of the prayer initiative.

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