11 years later, Pavlos lives on in the struggles against modern totalitarianism – PRIN Newspaper

by time news
Notice of NAR and Youth Communist Liberation for the anniversary of the murder of Pavlos Fyssas by the Golden Dawn neo-Nazis. Call to the anti-fascist gathering-demonstration on Wednesday 18/9 at 5.30 pm at the monument of Pavlos Fyssa in Keratsini and to the diverse events of the anti-fascist September.

11 years after the murder of Pavlos Fyssas by its neo-Nazis Golden Dawnin Europe the images with the colors of nationalism, racism, extreme right, neo-fascism are getting stronger.

Capital’s constant assault on labor rights and people’s liberties in order to increase profits and improve the position of European capitalists in international competition, has created anger and despair in broad underprivileged sections of societies.

In the environment of the total capitulation of the “European Left”, the even more rightward shift of traditional reformist forces and inadequacies of the forces of the radical and communist Left in their confrontation with the pillars of the bourgeois system (EU, NATO, capital), ground is being created so that the so-called ” radicalism’ of the far-right space to express poor and/or degraded sections of society.

At the same time, the effort of the European states to sharpen nationalistic hatreds and racism in order to turn the anger of the people towards painless paths (the neighboring states, the “Russian bogeyman” or the “Islamic insurgents”) creates the substrate on which every phasic sentence flourishes.

In particular, the constant invocation of the need to increase armaments and create a war mentality in the masses shifts the discussion to the defeat of the external enemy. European states – including Greece, of course – kill people in the Mediterranean every day with push-backs, imprison refugees and immigrants in closed camps, send weapons and raw materials to Ukraine and Israel…

It is no coincidence that in the reactionary context created by modern totalitarian capitalism, Meloni in Italy, Le Pen in France, AfD in Germany emerge. The modern fascist far-right – in all its variants – is not an alternative to the brutality of capitalism, but a painless proposition for capital and the oligarchy crisis management and alternative strategy for parts of European capital.

Despite its political independence, which should not be underestimated, the strengthening or even the rise of the extreme right in government power is accompanied by an adaptation to the Euro-NATO acquis (Italy) and the capital’s central goals (e.g. full acceptance of pension reform by Le Pen’s party in France).

It is the capitalist system itself and the traditional bourgeois forces that turn towards totalitarianism and from there to nationalism, intolerance and fascism and not some “extremes”. Therefore, the fascist forces are not countered by alliances with the bourgeois world and the supposed “democratic forces” of the Macron type, German “Social Democrats” etc.

In Greece, 11 years after the murder of Pavlos, we will give all our strength to keep the leadership of the ACA in prison and we will not allow new assault battalions to prevail in our neighborhoods. We will continue to fight steadfastly, in all ways, against fascism, nationalism, racism wherever we are: in our neighborhoods, in our schools and colleges, in our workplaces. However, the best way to honor today the memory of Pavlos Fyssas, who bravely faced an entire assault battalion of the criminal neo-Nazi organization “Golden Dawn” and exposed its criminal nature in front of Greek society, is to gather forces and to aim at the heart of the system, at the heart of capitalism.

The socialist, communist alternative as a struggle for immediate conquests in the present and as a prospect for the future is the only way to definitively defeat the monster of fascism.

Everyone at the anti-fascist gathering-demonstration Wednesday 18/9 at 5:30 p.m. at the Pavlos Fyssa-Keratsini monument and at the diverse events of the anti-fascist September!

  • NAR for Communist Liberation
  • Youth Communist Liberation

September 18: Unreconciled struggle with fascism and nationalism that rears its head

2024-09-17 07:10:09

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