2024-07-26 21:33:06
This fair of Mexico City Afores 2024 provided 92 thousand direct services and more than 106 thousand interactions.
The National Commission for the Retirement Savings System (Consar) highlighted that during these four days, nearly 6,000 activities were carried out and 92,000 people were assisted.
He explained that the most recurrent procedures were: the location of bank accounts Aforecorrection of datawithdrawal of resources, request for account status and request for contribution weeks.
Among the busiest modules was the one IMSS which handled more than 52,267 procedures, which are broken down into 31,611 carried out by the Directorate of Incorporations and Collection (affiliations, weeks of contributions and voluntary incorporation, etc.) and 20,656 by the Directorate of Benefits in Kind and Social (temporary and definitive pensions, recognition of seniority and validation of Social Security Number, among others.)
The Tax Administration Service also provided a large number of procedures. (SAT) with 3 thousand 37; the National Population Registry (Renapo) with 2 thousand; Infonavit with 1,856 and Issste with 1,408 procedures and services.
For their part, the Afores made more than 20 thousand 995 attentions: Azteca (2,035), Citibanamex (1,520), Coppel (821), Inbursa (1,210), Invercap (631), Pensionissste (5,224), Principal (1,472), Profuturo (3,235), Sura (2,911) and XXI Banorte (1,936).
2024-07-26 21:33:06