12.5% ​​of Peruvian children suffer from chronic malnutrition

by time news

The data reported by the Demographic and Family Health Survey (ENDES), of the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI), reveal that 6.7% of boys and girls born in the last five years were born with low weight; and that 12.5% ​​of girls and boys in our country suffer from chronic malnutrition, being more worrisome in rural areas, since the number of these cases more than doubles (25.4%).

Given this, and within the framework of World Health Day, which is celebrated every April 7, Aporta, Breca’s social impact platform, highlights the importance of Early Childhood Development in our country, offering recommendations to parents and caregivers. to improve the quality of life of minors.

Ensuring a balanced and nutrient-rich diet, according to the age of your children, is crucial for early childhood, to the extent that it guarantees that they obtain the necessary nutrients for their development, not only physical but also cognitive.

A child with anemia or malnutrition does not develop his brain properly and limits his future opportunities. Therefore, we suggest you.

· Ensures adequate food and nutritional status from the gestation stage to ensure the healthy and full-term birth of the baby.

· Offers exclusive breastfeeding on demand to the baby up to 6 months of age to strengthen their immune system and ensure secure attachment.

· Continue breastfeeding up to 24 months, inclusive.

· From 6 months of age, provide a nutrient-rich complementary diet in addition to breast milk to provide the necessary nutrients.

· When starting complementary feeding, advance gradually. Start with semi-solids until you reach more complex solid foods.

· For children older than 24 months, seek a balanced diet rich in protein and vitamins.

Let us remember that health is a basic and universal right for all and, this date, invites us to raise awareness about the unfortunate situation that boys and girls are going through in terms of health, for not having quality health care, which deepens – especially in the low-income population.

If you want to know more about the 10 keys to Early Childhood Development that every caregiver should know, go to: https://www.volar.org.pe/

You can read the guide to 10 keys to Early Childhood Development that every caregiver should know at: https://www.aporta.org.pe/impacto/publicacion/10-claves-para-el-desarrollo-infantil-temprano-que -every-caregiver-should-know

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