12 signs that you have a friend for life

by time news

2023-10-31 21:00:09

Statistics say that half of our current friends will no longer be friends in seven years. What, then, are the characteristics of that friendship that will last over time?

Last update: October 31, 2023

Friendship is the most common type of relationship around the world. We make friends from when we are children until old age. This way of relating is so natural that we can make friends without realizing it.

Although most of the friendships we have disappear over the years, there are always some special people with whom we share much of the journey. And not only do we know that they will be there for us when we need them, but we are certain that we will grow old together. Let’s see what are the signs that you have a friend for life.

1. Distance is not a problem to maintain friendship

All relationships weaken with distance, but only a lifelong friendship grows stronger. When two people miss each other, they look for ways to establish contact: It can be a call, a message or even a meme. Whatever the channel, ties are always revitalized.

2. Communication does not deteriorate, but rather evolves and strengthens

Time changes the way and frequency in which we communicate; It also tends to weaken relationships if they are not true. Good communication is a sign that a friendship is lastingespecially if the passage of time makes the conversations deeper and more enjoyable.

3. Self-acceptance and well-being mutually reinforce each other

A good friend makes you feel good to be around, but a true friend will also make you feel comfortable being yourself. In addition to well-being, you will not want to pretend. The other gives you the confidence to accept yourself, even in the face of insecurities.

4. They are always honest

Honesty is essential to strengthen a friendship. Lies weaken ties and hide information.

You know a person wants a long-lasting relationship when they make an effort to be honest and avoid appearances. Telling the truth can generate discord, but doing it tactfully and delicately strengthens the relationship.

5. Every time you meet, trust increases

Thanks to having an honest friendship, the trust you feel for your friend gradually increases. Every meeting is an opportunity to get to know each other more., to reveal secrets in a safe space. They both know that they can tell each other intimate or trivial things.

6. Respect your autonomy and you respect theirs

A true friend allows you to control your own environment and be responsible for your actions. While it helps with problems, He will always give you space without making you feel alone.

In this way, it supports your idiosyncratic decision-making, as well as accompanies you along the way, respecting your visions. Not always sharing them, but accepting them.

7. They develop empathy to know themselves better

Empathy is the ability to understand the emotions and feelings of another. At first, it will be through words, by listening to each other. But then, also body language, and even intuition, will play the role of communication channels to know your friend’s mood.

And whether you are happy or sad, the other will know how to accompany you. Quality time has given way to the ease of empathizing and knowing what to say or do.

8. It helps you grow as a person

A friend for life wants to see you succeed and grow, both mentally, physically and spiritually. Support your purpose in life and help you feel fulfilled.

It is common to wish well to others, but only someone who loves you very much will wish you not only well, but the best. That person becomes a shoulder to lean on, a mentor, an inspirer who accompanies your days with the best of his smiles.

9. They both share the same sense of humor

Simultaneous laughter not only tells us that someone finds the same thing funny as we do; also evidence that we have a way of seeing the world and processing information that is similar. A great sign that we have a friend for life is when we not only share the same jokes, but also make new ones and keep laughing at old ones.

10. One understands the loneliness of the other

It is normal to want to isolate yourself or need time in solitude and privacy. A true friendship will always support your privacyalthough I miss you a lot.

A friend doesn’t change you for someone else in the meantime; He waits patiently for you to recharge your desire to socialize and will be with open arms to welcome you. All this, without judging you or putting pressure on you.

11. They listen actively and know when to advise

It’s easy to listen to someone and give your opinion, but when a person cares, listening is different. You try to bring full awareness to the moment.

A friend for life, after listening to you, will know how to give advice only if necessary. It is important to differentiate when someone advises us sincerely or just because they want to give their opinion.

12. Talking about money is not a problem for your friendship

You have surely heard that it is better not to involve family or friends in money matters. It is a delicate matter that can generate many disagreements.

But a sign that you have a forever friend is that You can ask him or lend him money, with the assurance that both of you will always pay off your debts. without problems or delays. Furthermore, there is the certainty that there will be no complaints, because the gesture was selfless.

Friendship Blooms as You Get Old

All people want friends, but few manage to build a friendship that overcomes the passage of years and adversity. That’s why it’s important to value the people who have stayed by our side as we grow.

The desire to be a friend may be quick, but friendship is not. Friendship is only complete when the competition of time mediates.


We sow good moments with many throughout life, but only true friends will stay by our side to harvest the memories. If among your friends there are people who give you the aforementioned signs, think that they do it because they appreciate you so much that they feel that the world would not be the same without you.

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