12 ways to reduce double chin, tone the neck and slim the face (30 day challenge)

by time news

A thick neck may be a sign of increased cardiometabolic risk, according to a study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. Discover how to reduce double chin, tone neck and slim face in 30 days.

2 ways to reduce double chin, tone the neck and slim the face (30 day challenge). Photo iStock

Click on the main photo and discover how to eliminate double chins and give firmness to your neck and face.

what is double chin

It is the excessive accumulation of fat in the lower part of the chin that extends towards the neck. Having it erases the cervicofacial angle (which gives the ‘effect’ of mandibular delineation).

Why does the double chin occur?

Although it is associated with a problem of obesity, hormonal factors, aging, poor posture when sleeping or using the cell phone, smoking and a high-fat diet can cause it.

How to get rid of neck fat

According to American Council on Exercise, you need a deficit of about 500 calories per day to burn that fat. How to achieve them? Instead of whole milk opt for low fat and instead of cookies or chips as a snack go for 5 walnuts or almonds.

Swipe the main photo and Discover more ways to remove neck fat and slim your face.

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