120 Austrian soldiers are transferred to Sarajevo

by time news

The soldiers will be relocated on Saturday, both in air transport with the C-130 “Hercules” and on land with buses and hook-loading systems.

Due to the worsening situation in Eastern Europe due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, 120 Austrian soldiers, including one female soldier, are transferred to Sarajevo to reinforce the EU peacekeeping force Eufor. This was announced by the army. It is feared that the current situation in Ukraine could have an impact on the Western Balkans and the associated maintenance of stability and security in the country.

That is why the commander in charge of the EU operation Althea in Bosnia and Herzegovina, General Brice Houdet from France, activated the reserve unit (Intermediate Reserve Force – IRF) on Thursday. According to the Defense Ministry, this operation affects infantry companies from Austria, Bulgaria, Romania and Slovakia. Soldiers from the Panzer Grenadier Brigade, the Jäger Brigade and the Command Support Battalion took part from Austria.

Tanner and Schallenberg emphasize determination

Defense Minister Klaudia Tanner (ÖVP) emphasized: “We are currently experiencing a very critical development in Ukraine – instead of the diplomatic and peaceful paths that we would have wished for, weapons and aggression were chosen as an answer. Using a deliberate war as a means to Asserting power is not a solution!” The situation on the ground is getting worse. “A joint action by all EU states and humanitarian aid on the ground are the right and important steps that are needed right now,” said Tanner.

Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg (ÖVP) also supports the relocation of the reserve forces: “Eufor/Althea thus confirms its determination to continue to ensure stability and security in Bosnia and Herzegovina.” The presence and visibility of the operation will be strengthened. “It is also an important signal to the local population that the EU takes its responsibility for security in the Western Balkans seriously.”

The Austrian soldiers will be relocated on Saturday, both in air transport with the C-130 “Hercules” and on land with buses and hook-loading systems, the Ministry of Defense announced. The large equipment and the necessary vehicles are already outsourced in advance in the operational area. The task of the troops is to reinforce the forces in Bosnia and Herzegovina and thus ensure security and stability.

The Austrian Armed Forces have been involved in the international peacekeeping force in Bosnia and Herzegovina since 1996. Since December 2004, the Austrian soldiers have been under the command of the EU. The headquarters are in Sarajevo.


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