13 edible mushrooms: how to identify them and cook them at home

by time news

2024-01-02 19:00:55

Spain is one of the largest producers of black truffles in the world. Discover how to cook this and other edible mushrooms, and how to distinguish them from poisonous ones.

Last update: January 2, 2024

Edible mushrooms are one of the most sought after foods as ingredients in many recipes. This is because they have a great nutritional contribution, with few calories and many vitamins, fiber and proteins; Plus, they are delicious.

However, There are many species of mushrooms, and some could be poisonous, especially if you collect them in rural environments.. Therefore, in this article, we tell you how you can differentiate edible mushrooms from those that are poisonous and can cause problems for your health. In addition to this, we share a list of the 13 best mushrooms that you can cook at home.

How to identify if a mushroom is edible?

In a mushroom we usually distinguish two elements with the naked eye – the cap and the foot or stem -, although there are also other parts:

The ring The volva The lamella The scales

The characteristics that distinguish an edible mushroom from a toxic one are not always evident, so It is important to carefully evaluate all parts of the mushroom to know if we are dealing with one that we can ingest..

In the Iberian Peninsula alone, there are 1,500 species of mushrooms, of which 100 contain toxic substances.

Of these hundred, most of them would only cause temporary discomfort, but a few (for example, those that contain amantines) could even cause death. Some tips to distinguish poisonous mushrooms from edible ones are the following:

Examine the mushroom with the naked eye: If you are collecting mushrooms, before touching a species, examine it in detail. If it is damaged, even if it is not poisonous, it may mean that it is in poor condition.
Evaluate the color: Brightly colored mushrooms, such as red, bright orange, or green, are often poisonous. The stems that turn blue when cooked, too. On the other hand, a bright pink or very dark spore color is a bad sign.
Smell it: The aroma of a mushroom can also give us some signals. Putrid odors or those of chemical products will warn us that it is better not to risk it.
Investigate all the parts of the mushroom: If the mushroom has a kind of almost transparent “veil” on the stem, it tells us that it is toxic. Also, if the hymenium—the bottom part of the cap—has one or two ring-shaped folds, discard the fungus. Also do not eat it if, when collecting it, you find a widening at the final end of the stem.

Nutritional contribution of edible mushrooms

Edible mushrooms are very healthy, as they provide proteins, vitamins and micronutrients.

Edible mushrooms provide a series of nutrients and health benefits. Although the specific nutritional profile will vary depending on the species, In general, they are a low source of calories and fat; In addition, they are rich in essential nutrients:

They have few calories and many vitamins: For every 100 grams of edible portion, the mushroom has 25 calories, which makes it a food of interest for weight loss diets. On the other hand, they have vitamins B2, B3, B5 and B9, essential for strengthening hair, skin, nails, brain and heart.
Water predominates and they have proteins: Mushrooms are made up of about 90% water and also have between 2 and 4% protein. When dried, the protein value increases by 15-35%, so in some parts they are used as meat substitutes.
They are a natural source of fiber: Mushrooms contain more insoluble fiber than soluble fiber. All of this results in it being a necessary food to promote healthy digestion.
They have many micronutrients: We find minerals such as phosphorus, zinc, iron, copper, potassium and selenium. All this helps to have a strengthened immune system.

How to cook edible mushrooms?

To consume edible mushrooms, it is necessary to disinfect them and wash them well to avoid any inconvenience. Let’s look at some points that are important to keep in mind:

Wash them well: Even though they are edible varieties, keep in mind that mushrooms grow close to the ground, so they are likely to be contaminated with bacteria or parasites. You can clean them with a dry cloth so as not to change their texture, although it is also a good idea to leave them for a while in a solution of water with a few drops of bleach to disinfect them.
Quick tips: Once you acquire mushrooms, whether you bought them in a store or collected them yourself, like all vegetables, it is best to consume them as soon as possible. In this way, the mushrooms will retain their nutrients and freshness to the maximum.
Make fine cuts: You can eat both the caps and the stems. They should be cut into thin vertical slices.
Cook them in a very hot pan: There are few species of mushrooms that allow raw processing, such as mushrooms, boletus or oronja. Instead, most mushrooms should be cooked in a hot pan to prevent them from releasing water. This will seal the mushrooms well and keep all their juices inside. Be careful not to overcook the mushrooms, because removing the water with excess heat could leave them dry and splintered.

These are 13 edible mushrooms that you can make at home

Now that you know how to recognize edible mushrooms and you know how beneficial they are for health, it is time to know which are the most delicious mushroom species to integrate into your recipes.

1. White mushrooms

The white button mushroom is one of the most common edible mushrooms.

The benefits of consuming mushrooms are numerous. The whites (Agaricus bisporus) are the most common variety of mushrooms, and are found in supermarkets and stores. With a mild flavor and delicate texture, they are versatile and complement a wide range of dishes, from soups and salads to meats and pasta. Additionally, they are an excellent source of vitamin B12.

2. Portobello mushrooms

Portobello provides significant amounts of protein.

Portobello mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus) are a variety of mushroom, so they are very similar to white mushrooms in terms of flavor, with a meaty texture. However, they are a little softer, and are characterized by having a darker color.. They are also a natural source of protein and vitamin D.

3. Mushroom shiitake

With an intense aroma, the shiitake It is originally from Asia.

The mushrooms shiitake (Lentinula edodes), also known as “Chinese mushroom” because they are originally from that country and also from Japan, they have a very intense flavor and a very meaty texture. Their distinctive aroma makes them perfect for many dishes, although As they have a strong flavor, they can stand out better with milder ingredients. The benefits of mushrooms shiitake There are many: medicinal, antibacterial and antiviral properties.

4. Black truffle

The truffle is often used in preparations gourmet.

When we think of an ingredient gourmetthe black truffle comes to mind (Tuber melanosporum). This underground mushroom is rare to find, so it has a high culinary value. With a warty surface and an intense aroma, It is found in the forests of southern France, Spain and Italy, Spain being its largest producer worldwide.

5. Oyster Arrow

Don’t be scared by its appearance: oyster mushroom is nutritious and has medicinal properties.

Oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus), also known as oyster mushrooms, are fan-shaped mushrooms that grow on the trunks of trees – such as willow and beech – and are considered a delicacy in several Asian countries. These mushrooms are low in fat, rich in essential vitamins and mineralsand help reduce cholesterol.

6. Mushroom enoki

The mushroom enoki It has a very particular appearance.

Widely used in Asian cuisine, mushrooms enoki (Flammulina velutipes) ―also called golden needle mushrooms― have a peculiar shape, because they grow in clusters. They are an excellent source of B vitamins and can be incorporated into sandwiches, soups, salads and pasta sauces.

7. Gypsy mushroom

You can find gypsy mushrooms in dense forests.

The gypsy mushroom (The curtain was taken) It has a bitter taste and is very good if mixed with other more intense mushrooms.such as bills or chanterelles. However, it is important to make sure that the mushroom has not been infested by worms.

In addition, it is a mushroom that accumulates heavy metals, so excessive consumption is not recommended.

8. Chanterelle mushroom

In addition to being delicious, chanterelle mushrooms are very attractive thanks to their yellow-orange color.

Chanterelle mushrooms (Chanterelle food) have a spicy and at the same time fruity flavor. They have small traces of amanitins, although for poisoning to occur it is necessary to ingest many kilograms. They are perfect for souffléssoups and sauces.

9. Boleto bayo

The bay boletus is perfect for a large number of preparations.

With a soft color, the bay boletus (Bay mushroom) is a mushroom widely consumed in Mexico. It is eaten raw when it is young, and when it is adult it can be eaten sautéed, grilled, fried, battered, scrambled and more.. Only the cap is ingested and the stem must be discarded.

10. Trumpet of death

The trumpet of death may look strange, but it is delicious!

Although its appearance and name are not very friendly, the trumpet of death (Craterellus cornucopioides) is rich in protein and has a sweet and delicious flavor. It can be crumbled to season dishes, and can be eaten in both savory foods and desserts..

11. King Egg

The oronja or king’s egg has a characteristic orange color on the cap.

The king’s eggAmanita caesarea), also known as oronja, has been consumed for centuries. It can be prepared raw with salt and oil or fried with spices..

It is important to distinguish it from the Amanita muscariaalso known as “false oronja”, which is a mushroom with a similar appearance, but toxic.

12. Chicken mushroom

Chicken mushrooms have a very striking appearance.

The chicken mushroom (Laetiporus sulphureus) is native to Germany and North America. It is a fungus with a very striking appearance and a hard consistency. It has a flavor similar to chicken – hence its name – which is why many vegetarians use it as a substitute for the meat of that animal.

However, It is advisable to take precautions when consuming it, since allergic reactions have been observed in some peoplecaused by a lectin contained in the mushroom.

13. Giant mushroom

The giant mushroom can measure up to 65 centimeters.

Lastly, we have the giant mushroom (Calvatia gigantea), whose size makes it unmistakable. It can measure up to 65 centimeters. It has medicinal, detoxifying and anti-inflammatory properties.

It should be consumed in an immature state, as mature specimens may contain toxic spores.

Did you know these species of edible mushrooms?

What do you think of this list of 13 species of edible mushrooms? As you see, All of them provide many nutritional benefits and are ideal to include in balanced diets..

However, it is important to learn to distinguish them from other species of toxic fungi or that may cause health problems. If you have doubts about the toxicity of a fungus, we recommend that you consult with an expert in mycology or seek specialized information.

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