13 popular questions, cosmetic surgery trends 2022

by time news

Plastic surgeons are like an artist. which each person will have an aptitude for each type have their own style Those who are interested in having surgery should follow up on the work of the doctors we are interested in long enough. go to consult first and consider that it meets the needs our preferences? Before deciding to have surgery

1. What is the trend of plastic surgery in 2022, which part is the most popular plastic surgery?

During the coronavirus, people spend time at home. be with myself more Work through online meetings Have more chances to see your own face Like looking in the mirror all the time, you will notice minor abnormalities that you have never seen, such as unequal eye layers, unattractive noses, and unsightly faces. During the online period, you can still use various applications to help you customize, but now the situation has started to return to normal. have to come back to meet people will have the desire to correct and improve their own face

Many people when working from home will eat more. with infrequent exercise cause belly fat problems Another accelerating factor is watching more social media such as TikTok. that show more shape Or starting to hang out, dress beautiful, cause trends, want to follow, but are afraid of bad shape, wearing unattractive outfits, therefore have an urgent desire to improve your body

In summary, the current trend is about the post-Covid era, going back to work, going on trips, making him pay attention to plastic surgery related to the face and body, including eyes, nose, mouth, chin, wattle under the chin, facelift, liposuction, and fat removal.

2. Is it true that plastic surgery today is less painful and less dangerous than before?

With the development of medicine in terms of providing painkillers and using various tools It makes doing surgery much easier nowadays. In particular, the endoscopy helps in surgery, allowing for more detailed surgery. See clearly and be careful of the important points. better less tissue trauma more safe including less pain and faster recovery

However, these tools are not readily available everywhere and not every doctor has the expertise. Service recipients should study more information at this point as well.

3. Can I have surgery on all parts of my body at once, for example, nose surgery, eye surgery, and chest surgery / How many parts can I do in one session?

This is a safety issue at the heart of the International Plastic Surgeons Organization. Also known as ISAPS, which has more than 5,000 members of plastic surgeons around the world, the organization has established a safety standard called Safety Diamond, consisting of 4 key principles:

  1. Method (Procedure) must be an acceptable standard surgery. and must be suitable for the service recipient
  2. Service recipient (Patient) The recipient must be in good health. and the condition is suitable for that surgery
  3. Surgeon A surgeon must have the ability and expertise. and have experience in the procedure to do
  4. Place (Facility) The place must meet the standards. have the tools at the ready Including having a team that can help in every aspect when an unexpected situation arises taking into account the safety of the service recipients as the main

In summary, several surgeries can be performed simultaneously. As long as appropriate and ready in all elements, such as good health, no congenital disease But the limitation is that the surgery must not take too long. specialist doctor Do it in a location that is ready. and there is enough time to recuperate, it can be done

4. If I want to do multiple parts of surgery at the same time, such as eyes and nose, will the wound be more swollen or not? Or are there any other side effects?

Surgery causes tissue disturbances. The more you do, the more consequences. The likelihood of problems will increase as well. A good doctor will consider the suitability of the surrounding factors. by taking into account the highest safety of the service recipients

5. Who should I believe? (Reviews from surgeons, social media, influencers, medical history, friends, family) If you decide to have surgery, where should you research information?

Two main factors must be considered.

  1. Safety The surgeon should be a doctor who has been fully trained by the Medical Council. Have enough work experience You can find information about plastic surgeons on the website of the Medical Council of Thailand. or the website of the Association of Plastic Surgeons of Thailand
  2. surgical style Plastic surgeons are like an artist in a field that can be compared to musicians or painters. which each person will have an aptitude for each type have their own style Each service recipient will have different preferences. Those who are interested in having surgery should follow up on the work of the doctors we are interested in long enough. Try to consult first, then slowly consider whether it meets your needs. our preferences? don’t be in a hurry don’t believe others Do not be considerate of people who persuade or recommend.

6. What do I need to know about doing surgery? (Restrictions, prohibitions, exceptions to surgery preparation before and after surgery)

There is currently a lot of information to study. from various sources should be studied enough But don’t be fooled into believing it all. Try to gather your doubts and ask questions to discuss with your doctor. After talking and understanding, if you decide to do it The doctor and the team will recommend physical preparation such as congenital diseases, drugs, contraindications, and precautions. in terms of mental preparation When all doubts have been discussed, they will gain confidence. Greatly reduced anxiety In addition, adequate recovery time should be provided for good surgical results.

7. Surgery What is important to focus on such as equipment, tools, gender, age appropriate. (If under 18 years old can do it or not)

The important thing that needs to be emphasized is safety diamond in all 4 aspects as detailed in the previous section. Another important issue is satisfaction. If you talk and consult until you understand well, understand the advantages and disadvantages. the possibility of the outcome of the surgery already Often the results are satisfactory.

For some types of surgery, age criteria are also important to consider. For example, auricular auricle should not be performed before the age of 7 because the ear is not yet fully grown. Or, for nose or jaw surgery, you should wait for that part of the bone to grow to its fullest. in terms of law Thailand also uses the 20-year age limit when deciding to have surgery. If under 20 years of age, parental consent is required in writing.

8. Is there a difference between doing plastic surgery in Thailand and Korea?

surgery Most of the focus is on the skill and skill of the various technological devices doctors. not very complicated At present, each country has the same tools and technology. But what is different is the experience and aptitude of the doctor.

in korea Plastic surgery is based on the decoration of the facial bone structure. Because Koreans have large facial skeletons. Doctors will also have a lot of experience in correcting the facial bone structure.

in Thailand With the popularity of nose and chest, plastic surgeons will have more experience in this field. including sex change Thailand is a country that is more accepting of gender diversity. Therefore, Thai doctors will have more experience in this field as well.

9. Is it necessary to go back and do it after surgery or correct it, for example, breast implants have to change silicone every year? /Doing one eye-nose job isn’t finished?

the facts are There are various factors Several factors may lead to the need for repeat surgery, including:

  1. Our bodies change over time.
  2. materials that are inserted into the body Has deterioration or changes according to the period of use, such as artificial breasts, etc.
  3. Concept of Beauty changes according to people’s popularity. or celebrities in that era, for example, in the past, they liked their noses straight and clear. Later, I liked the drop-shaped nose. At present, the nose is cute, a little upturned, like a Korean.
  4. The first surgery may cause some dissatisfaction. or complications occur

10. Surgery between women and men Is it different?

Nowadays, men are more interested in themselves. It was an era where men took great care of themselves. It is highly competitive in terms of society. Job duties and lifestyles are therefore more likely to choose to have plastic surgery decisions as well. Preparation is generally no different. But the important thing is to focus on postoperative care. Because men tend to be very active, not careful, sometimes causing more side effects than women. Therefore, the instructions should be strictly followed after the surgery.

11. If there is a disease limitation, can surgery be performed?

This depends on the case, for example, if there is a cyst but a cyst. or plain loaf Non-melanoma is not a contraindication to breast surgery. or patients with allergies or chronic sinus Which is still incurable, there is still mucus that needs to be wiped or that you have to touch your nose often. It is not appropriate to do the nose. Or someone who is overweight wants to lift and tighten the breasts, it is recommended to lose weight first to avoid sagging breasts again. If going to lose weight later However, the service recipient should give a history and consult a doctor before surgery.

12. When the surgery is done Will it last forever?

Our bodies are constantly changing due to various factors, so the result of surgery is not permanent. But from learning for a long time in the science of surgery This causes the doctor to choose only surgery that gives good results. Lasts for a long time and is worth the surgery. for example In one era, the muscles on the sides of the eyes were cut to treat crow’s feet wrinkles. But the results are not good and the muscles do not last long, they can come together again. At present, they have stopped doing it. This is a good reminder to not be obsessed with new surgical techniques. with advertising It must be proven to produce long lasting results without any subsequent complications.

in the matter of liposuction The number of fat cells in the body is constant since birth, it cannot multiply. After liposuction is done, the number of fat cells is reduced. But each fat cell can accumulate fat indefinitely. This means that after suction, the remaining fat cells will be able to accumulate more fat. Therefore, if you don’t take care of yourself continuously, you will be able to get your shape back to the way it was before liposuction.

13. How many surgeries are done is called a plastic surgery addiction?

This is a delicate matter. Diagnosis requires ongoing follow-up talks by psychiatrists and psychologists. Doing a lot and doing it often is not the main point of diagnosis. The main point of diagnosis is self-dissatisfaction. By thinking that changing their own shape through surgery must be filled. missing feeling Therefore, repeated surgery is necessary. But still can’t bring satisfaction. I feel like I’m not good enough I think it must be better than this.

for example People who have had a nose job have complications that need to be addressed. Or have been doing it for a long time and the beauty trend has changed, so to solve this is not considered an addiction. If the nose is good, it’s good for the eyes, then the breasts, buttocks, because this satisfaction is not a surgery addiction. But if the nose is done and it looks good, but I want a little more right here and there. After looking at it, I still feel abnormal, I feel unattractive all the time. This may be a subject of an addiction to surgery.

Article by : Dr. Weerawat Tirananmongkol, Samitivej Hospital

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