133 days of the sun in just one hour

by time news

The Sun, like every celestial body, is not immutable. Its behavior varies every second, and although they are practically imperceptible changes, NASA has them constantly monitored.

This allows us to show in a very visual way how the star king behaves. The Goddard Space Flight Center has managed to condense 133 days of behavior of the Sun in just one hour. The result is mesmerizing footage of the star’s plasma shooting out flames.

Behind this video are many years of study thanks to which numerous discoveries have been made about the functioning of the star that gives light and heat to the Solar System.

This video begins on August 12 and ends on December 22, thanks to NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), which has been orbiting the earth for more than a decade. Since its launch, it has been consistently shooting 4K quality photos.

“With a triad of instruments, SDO captures an image of the Sun every 0.75 seconds. The Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) instrument captures images every 12 seconds in 10 different wavelengths of light. The 133 days seen in this video show photos taken on a wavelength of 17.1 nanometerswhich is at the end of the ultraviolet wave showing the Sun’s outermost atmospheric layer, the corona.

Aside from the artistic factor of the video (even more so with the music by composer Lars Leonhard), this video shows the “bright active regions that pass across the face of the Sun as it rotates” and how the cmagnetic fields that trap hot, glowing plasma. These solar flares are very common and can leave curious images, like the king sun smiling.

The flow of information that the SDO manages is titanic. broadcast every day 1,4 terabytes of information to Earth, where they are processed and studied.

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