14 years bringing hope to the lives of children and young people

by time news

2023-04-26 18:49:40

With its social programs, during this time it has improved the quality of life of Guatemalan children, youth, families and communities, generating inclusive prosperity. In the last year, Fundación Azteca has invested more than Q10 million in the mobilization of initiatives aimed at young people throughout the country.

Over the years, Fundación Azteca has established various strategic alliances, expanding its capabilities and scope, which are reflected in achievements that have touched the lives of thousands of Guatemalans.

“Since 2008 we have worked and sought to inspire Guatemalans, it fills us with immense joy to witness so many positive stories of improvement, to see how they transform their vision to new perspectives that lead them to constantly grow and improve. This effort has been thanks to the valuable support of the collaborators of the different units of Grupo Salinas, of volunteers, of companies and institutions that year after year join our work, above all, of the children and young people who strive to make this is a better country,” said Maribel Rincón, director of Fundación Azteca Guatemala and Honduras.

Fundación Azteca organizes raffles, bingos, tournaments, among other activities to collect funds, food, toys and continue supporting the different programs throughout the year, as well as emergencies in the event of natural or other disasters that may arise.

“For Grupo Salinas, companies have the commitment, not only to generate economic development, but to be a channel to achieve social changes, promote better living standards and mitigate the impacts on the environment from our operation. Fundación Azteca is a leader that unites the business units and that proposes paths that give us the opportunity to get closer to Guatemalans, to build a better society together, to create a community of support among all of us, because reflection should move us to action and thus promote higher levels of well-being and progress”, stated Claudio Matus, general director of Grupo Salinas Guatemala and president of Fundación Azteca Guatemala.

Results of 2022 of the important advances at the national level

  1. Long live our Guatemalan lakes! It is carried out annually through a drawing contest for children in order to highlight the relevance of conserving water resources. More than 790,000 children and 106 winners from different departments participated.
  2. Let’s clean our Guatemala, seeks to sensitize the community about the problem of garbage and the harmful effect it produces on the environment, proposing solutions, benefits of recycling and reforestation. The brigades had the support of more than 3 million volunteers.
  3. tour livesis a program that allowed training more than 270,000 young people on prevention against addictions, irregular migration, cybercrime, sexual exploitation and human trafficking.
  4. Guatemala is your land, stayis a project that seeks to reduce migration in Guatemala, achieving that 1,000 young people from Guatemala, Chiquimula, Huehuetenango and San Marcos were benefited through training that provides them with entrepreneurial and financial tools.
  5. Esperanza Azteca Symphony Orchestra, its mission is to provide children and adolescents with limited resources, the opportunity to develop and put human values ​​into practice, seeking to improve their self-esteem and socialization. Currently, it supports 360 students who receive classes in Retalhuleu, Mazatenango, Puerto Barrios and in a virtual classroom.
  6. Aztec campus, It is a model that seeks the comprehensive training of young people, providing them with the necessary means to receive a quality education. In the first stage, the beneficiaries were the students of the Normal School for Boys in zone 13 of the capital. The companies of Grupo Salinas, strategic allies and the Ministry of Education made an investment of more than Q4 million for the purchase of technology equipment, laboratory equipment and teacher training for the model, of which Q2.5 million was for the renovation from the educative centre.
  7. A Miracle for Guatemala and Social Network, seek to support the population and mitigate the basic need in terms of food, housing and other items where the foundation has been present, providing support from society, employees and strategic alliances. More than 5,000 families have benefited, 4 million food rations delivered to 4 homes, shoes, school bags, and much more.

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