Kanchipuram/ Chengalpattu: Gold bars weighing 1,400 kg were seized in a raid conducted by the Flying Squad near Kunradthur in Kanchipuram district. Its value is Rs.1000 crores. It was handed over to Sriperumbudur Kotatshiyar as there were only documents for 400 kg. In this regard, the officials of the Income Tax Department have also been informed.
The Lok Sabha elections in Tamil Nadu will be held on the 19th. Security forces and flying squads are carrying out raids to prevent distribution of cash and gifts to voters during elections. In that way, the flying soldiers were conducting a search yesterday near the Kunradthur flyover on the Vandalur-Meenjoor outer ring road.
At that time, 2 trucks that came that way were folded and searched. During the raid, officers saw some items loaded into trucks with more security features. Suspicious, they questioned the people who came in the trucks. It was revealed that 1,000 kg of gold bars were in the big truck and 400 kg of gold bars in the small truck, totaling 1,400 kg of gold.
After that, they asked the people who came in the trucks for the documents related to the gold bars and checked them. It was found that there was a receipt for only 400 kg. The remaining 1,000 kg lacks relevant documents.
On further investigation, these gold bars were brought to Chennai airport by air from Hong Kong. Later it was learned that he was being taken to a godown in Mannur area near Sriperumbudur by a private security company. It seems that these gold nuggets will then be distributed to different people from there. The value of this gold is said to be around Rs 1,000 crore in the international market.
It is not known how these gold nuggets were brought out from Chennai airport with a receipt for only 400 kg of gold and defied all security measures.
Following this, the Flying Squad officials informed the Sriperumbudur Revenue Commissioner. Later, the trucks carrying the gold were seized and handed over to the Sriperumbudur Revenue Collector.
Information to Income Tax Department: Meanwhile, as 1,400 kg of gold has been confiscated, the Income Tax Department officials have been informed about this. They will come and inquire about this gold and about the receipt they have. Various details such as who is the owner of such valuable gold and how much gold is actually in those trucks will be revealed in the investigation conducted by the Income Tax Department officials.
When the officials were asked about this, they said: The gold will be handed over to the rightful owner only if the relevant documents are submitted. Otherwise the entire gold will be confiscated and handed over to the government treasury. Perhaps if there is no receipt, various aspects will be investigated like how so much gold came out of the airport, whether there is any connection with international gold smuggling gangs, who helped this gold come out.
Further, an investigation will be conducted into whether this gold was converted into cash and planned to be used for elections. They said this.
If this gold is brought in illegally, many people including airport officials are likely to come under investigation. As many people will get involved in this issue, there is a tense situation. Following the seizure of such a large amount of gold, the search has been intensified in Kanchipuram district areas around Chennai.