141 countries ask Russia to withdraw from Ukraine at the UN, but the vote exposes a global gap

by time news

141 countries out of 193 represented in the United Nations General Assembly have approved in New York this Thursday, on the eve of the first anniversary of the war launched by Vladimir Putin in Ukraine, a resolution, not bindingwhat urges Russia to “immediately, completely and unconditionally withdraw its military forces.”» of Ukraine’s internationally recognized territory, which includes areas illegally annexed by Moscow. The text, prepared by Ukraine, also calls for the “cessation of hostilities» and it has been rejected by Russia and six other countries. 32 abstained, including China, and 13 did not vote.

Even with the large majority, and its symbolic importance, the vote has exposed the gap in the face of the conflict that is becoming more evident as it drags on. In the first vote in the General Assembly shortly after the invasion, 141 countries also condemned it, but in another vote in October 143 condemned the illegal annexation of parts of Ukraine. And Russia has joined the support of Belarus, North Korea, Syria and Nicaragua those of Mali and Eritrea.

“Globalized war”, but less so

Joseph Borrellthe head of European diplomacy, assured this Thursday in a press conference at the UN that Ukraine’s “it is not a world war, but a globalized one”. On the eve, in his speech in the debate on the resolution, he had also rejected the accusations of the Russian ambassador, Vassili Nebénzia, that the war in Ukraine is “a conflict of the West against Russia” and Borrell assured that it is “North, South, East and West against Russia”. But the truth is that this unit before Moscow that Borrell talks about nor is total.

Not more 33 countries have imposed sanctions on Russia. According to an analysis carried out last year by the Economist Intelligence Survey, two-thirds of the world’s population live in countries that have not condemned Moscow. And especially to the africabut also in Latin America and other parts of Asia and the Middle East one is palpable disconnection with the position of the USA, the European Union and countries such as Japan or Australia. Although Global South powers such as Brazil have kept the vote in favor of the UN resolution, they have also kept theabstention heavyweights such as China and India.

the indiaprecisely, announced last week that his trade with Russia has grown 400% the last year Sergei Lavrov, responsible for Foreign Affairs of the Kremlin, has visited in the last nine and a half countries in the Middle East and Africa, including South Africawhich this Friday is participating in military naval exercises in the Indian Ocean with Russia and China and has maintained its abstention.

The message from Beijing

In his speech before the vote, Ambassador Dang Bi, number two of the diplomatic delegation of China before the UN, had allowed the abstention vote to be anticipated and had also reiterated Beijing’s frequent messages. “Sending weapons will not bring peace”, he had said, and announced that “adding fuel to the fire will only exacerbate tensions and prolonging and expanding the conflict will only make ordinary people pay an even heavier price.” Dang also asked that stop “abusing unilateral sanctions” and was in a hurry to “leave the cold war mentality”.

For Beijing «la priority is to facilitate a ceasefire and the cessation of hostilities» and Dang asked the international community to abandon «own interests» and facilitate the conditions for the «ceasefire» and for «peace talks». “Dialogue and negotiation are the only viable way to resolve the crisis in Ukraine,” said the diplomat, who called on Russia and Ukraine to resume direct dialogue as soon as possible.

This is the route that China has taken from the beginning and it is the one that is also expected to be taken in one speech this Friday by President Xi Jinping. And perhaps it is in this speech that the long-awaited “peace plan” of the Chinese leader will be announced, even though the UN has been insisting that it is a “document with the positioning on the political agreement for the crisis in Ukraine”, and this Thursday Dang reiterated that it will be issued “soon”.

US indictments

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Xi’s speech may have an unwanted response from Beijing Washingtonwhich according to the advance of this Thursday ‘The Wall Street Journal’ is considering the possibility of make intelligence information public to back up his allegations that China is considering giving Russia arms. This accusation, which China denies, it was launched at the weekend by the Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, who this Friday, on the exact anniversary of the start of the war in Ukraine, is participating in a ministerial meeting at the UN Security Council in New York. Last year, before Russia went to war, Blinken shared intelligence with the Council about Russian plans to invade Ukraine.

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