15 cents less per liter, the liter at one euro … “promotions” on fuel this weekend

by time news

It will be necessary to wait until April 1 to take advantage of the rebate of 15 centimes per liter from the government, but already the major retail chains are playing seduction. Carrefour, Auchan and Géant Casino intend to offer promotional offers from Friday to reduce the bill, and of course attract customers to their homes thanks to vouchers.

Carrefour thus intends to “anticipate the government bonus” and will offer a reduction of 0.15 euros per liter of fuel purchased at its service stations. Please note: the reduction will not be immediate – unlike that provided by the government, but the 15 cents will be credited to the loyalty card. The offer is valid from March 25 to March 31 (after which the government rebate will take over), but is only valid once within the limit of 99 litres. Concretely, the rebate will not intervene directly at the pump. Once you have filled up, you must keep the ticket carefully because you will have to present it to the cashier when you do your shopping. For a full 80 liters of fuel, the amount paid will be 80 x 0.15 or 12 euros, debited from your shopping trolley or credited to the loyalty card. If you do not have the latter, it is requested (free) at the reception of the store. The list of partner pumps will be available on the site on Friday morning.

Casino is also renewing its “boost” this Friday 25 and Saturday 26 March. Within the limit of 50 litres, the brand offers a liter of fuel at 1 euro with reimbursement of the difference with the price paid in the form of a voucher to be used from 80 euros spent, over the weekend.

Auchan also intends to participate in this effort and provides, for the purchase of 30 liters or more of fuel, a discount in the form of a voucher of 6 euros usable from 30 euros of shopping. This offer is valid on March 25 and 26, as well as April 1 and 2.

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