15 easy-to-apply tips for a healthy lifestyle

by time news

A healthy lifestyle is not that complicated at all. In this article, we share fifteen easy-to-apply tips.

We are all looking for the hack for a healthy lifestyle. We will immediately help you out of the illusion: there is none. However, there are a number of easy guidelines that you can follow for a healthy life.

Simple tips for a healthy lifestyle

Do you want to live a little healthier? Then use the tips below as a guideline.

1. Eat enough fiber

Fiber should be the foundation of your diet. They ensure a healthy digestion and help the bowel movement a bit. These smoothie recipes are full of fiber.

2. Get enough sleep

Getting enough sleep is important for your body to function properly. “You can recognize sleep deprivation by fatigue, but also by a poor resistance, a poorer memory and an emotional imbalance”, we learned from neurophysiologist and sleep expert Leo van Woerden.

Often people try to twist themselves in all kinds of ways to become more energetic. Drinking coffee, just to name one example. But these “solutions” won’t work unless you scrutinize your sleep. First sleep well, then coffee.

3. Put on your hiking boots

The benefits of a daily walk are great. Walking ensures a faster metabolism, a higher heart rate and you burn some calories with it. Handy if you want to get rid of those leftover corona kilos, but also if you just want to get a little fitter.

Which is better for your health: a long walk or a fast walk?

4. Don’t believe in marketing talk

You see them all too often on social media: empty talk and promises. A slimming cream, a magic pill for burning fat… Don’t fall for it. These talks will not result in a lower number on your scale, but it will result in a lower balance in your bank account. Shame.

5. Start strength training

There’s really no need to hit the gym six times a week. But doing some muscle-strengthening exercises every week certainly can’t hurt. Strength training (and that can also be done at home) is not only good for the resilience of your muscles, but it also ensures a better metabolism.

6. Eat more bulk foods

Do you want to consume fewer calories, but not eat less? Then take a good look at your diet. You may be able to make some food changes, so that you don’t have to eat less, but you can still save a lot on calories.

Need inspiration? Here’s a list of our favorites: 9 x high-volume, low-calorie foods.

7. Focus on Eating Protein

In addition to fiber, protein should also be an important component in your diet. Proteins are the building blocks of your body, which is why they definitely belong in a healthy lifestyle.

Are you not eating enough protein? These are the consequences of a protein deficiency

8. Add HIIT to Your Workouts

A little stamina is important for a healthy body. You do not immediately have to run for an hour to be in good shape. For example, do a High Intensity Interval Training, a HIIT. This challenging way of training will get your heart rate up.

9. Choose healthy, nutritious snacks

Many men go wrong when choosing the right snacks. Do you eat healthy during the day, but do you succumb to the bitterballen, chips and soft drinks in the evening? Make sure that you do not bring these products into your home, and that you have healthy snacks at home. Then the choice to opt for a handful of nuts is a lot easier.

10. Word zen

Stress is disastrous for good health. We can advise you to stop being stressed, but everyone knows that this is counterproductive. That is why we would like to advise you: plan more moments of rest. Find a soothing hobby. Go out into nature more often. meditate.

With our colleagues from Metro you will find a list of 6 scientifically proven ways to get rid of your stress.

11. Take a closer look at your morning routine

Do you start every morning in a rush? Do you often skip breakfast? Do you often have to rush to the train? If you can answer all those questions with ‘yes’, then it is wise to take a closer look at your morning routine. Get up a little earlier, and start your morning a little calmer. Prepare your breakfast in the evening. Schedule time to open the newspaper and start your morning calmer. This does a lot for your mental health.

3 morning routines from areas where people live the oldest

12. Eat Enough

Do you automatically link ‘healthy living’ with ‘eating little’? Try to see this separately. A healthy life should not be about losing weight. The focus should be on healthy, tasty food. Choose sufficient fiber, proteins and fats. And most importantly, eat enough. Eating too little will not make your body happy (and neither will you).

An extreme diet, like this variation from Tom Cruise for Top Gun Maverick and this variation of Joaquin Phoenix for Joker, is only possible under the strict supervision of a dietician. So don’t start it yourself.

13. Drink water

A bargain for a healthy lifestyle, but exchange that sugar-rich soft drink for water, tea or coffee without sugar. This not only saves a lot of calories, but also lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. Do you really not like water? Then add a dash of sugar-free syrup.

This formula shows how much water you should drink per day

14. Don’t Diet, Change Your Lifestyle

A diet in which you exclude entire food groups or in which you have to stick to a strict feeding schedule, you often only stick to for a short time. Before you know it, you’ll be craving beer or a burger again. Final score: it feels like you have to start all over again.

What you should do is change your lifestyle. Make sure that a beer on the weekend just fits into your new lifestyle. Just like a hamburger or a barbecue evening from time to time. A strict diet often does not work. Change your lifestyle.

15. Don’t forget to enjoy

As far as we’re concerned, the most important tip: don’t forget to enjoy life. Sometimes opt for a salad, and sometimes for a hot dog. Sometimes opt for a glass of water, and sometimes for a beer. After all, it must remain fun, and if you impose all kinds of rules on yourself, it often backfires. Find a way that works for you.

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15 easy-to-apply tips for a healthy lifestyle

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