15-Year-Old Girl Arrested for Transporting Hand Grenades: Serious Crime in Stockholm

by time news

Prosecutor: Very serious and very young people

Updated 12:43 | Published at 12:40 p.m

A 15-year-old girl is suspected of having transported hand grenades in the subway, according to information to Aftonbladet. She allegedly acted on behalf of a criminal network. Now she has been arrested.

On Sunday, a 15-year-old girl was arrested, suspected of violating the law on flammable and explosive goods. The suspicion relates to a particularly serious crime.

“It concerns hand grenades that were found in Nynäshamn on August 13,” says prosecutor Jonas Nygren, who leads the investigation.

On Friday, the girl was arrested on probable cause on suspicion of extremely serious crime.

“She is young, but the crime in this case is so serious that I decide that she should be remanded in custody,” says Jonas Nygren.

According to Aftonbladet’s information, these are sharp hand grenades, which, among other things, have been transported in the subway.

“I cannot comment on that. The suspicion is that it has been handled in several places in the Stockholm region, but I cannot go into more detail about where.”

More people involved

According to information to Aftonbladet, the 15-year-old must have acted on behalf of a criminal network.

The prosecutor does not rule out that more people are involved. Jonas Nygren says that the suspicion relates to the handling of hand grenades and that there are several people who have handled and stored hand grenades together.

“We suspect that there are more people who have agreed that these hand grenades should be stored in a certain place,” says Jonas Nygren.

Also 14-year-old girl suspected of crime

As early as August 13, the same day the incident was discovered, suspicions were directed at another person who was involved, a 14-year-old girl.

“Since she is under 15 years of age, no preliminary investigation is initiated against her. She is not a criminal but she is suspected of being involved in this.”

“Are you linking this to the network environment?”

“With the handling of this type of goods, there is the connection, absolutely,” says Jonas Nygren.

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