1,695 deaths on the roads in 2022

by time news

2023-05-30 14:18:00

30 mayo 2023

The UK Department for Transport has released provisional figures on the traffic accidents reported in 2022 on British roads and what they have discovered has a bittersweet aftertaste.

Although the final figures will not be published until the end of the year, some experts from the motor world have already ventured to comment on the preliminary data provided this week and alert the British Government about the upward trend they see in their graphs.

That is the case of Rod Dennis, spokesman for the RAC, a leading breakdown service company in the United Kingdom, who has described the official data as “bleak”.

The “gloomy” statistics from the Department for Transport have been compiled from the information provided by the STATS19 reports that the British police prepare only in the event that a traffic accident in the United Kingdom involves at least one victim (which may be an injured person). mild). According to police data, in 2022, 1,695 people died in traffic accidents and 136,002 were injured of varying severity (more than 29,000 of them serious).

Although it is true that the numbers obtained represent a 3% reduction in road mortality compared to that recorded in 2019 (2020 and 2021 are not taken into account due to the mobility restrictions imposed during COVID-19). , also show a stagnation in the achievement of the government’s objective: that no one dies on the road.

Of particular concern is the data obtained by comparing the number of accidents and the gender of their protagonists: 75% of the deaths and 62% of the victims and injuries were men.

Deaths by age group and sex in the United Kingdom (preliminary data 2022)

0 to 16 years3816
17 to 29 years34674
30 to 49 years36685
50 to 69 years29685
70 years and over231155
Total all ages1.277415

While the lack of progress in reducing the total number of casualties is itself a cause for concern, the figures for the number of men, across all age groups, but especially young people, are stark.”, assures the RAC spokesman.

According to preliminary data, of the 75% of male deaths, the age group that accounted for the most deaths was men between the ages of 30 and 49, although unfortunately men between the ages of 17 and 29 followed with 346 deaths. In total, in 2022 only 415 women died compared to 1,277 men.

#deaths #roads

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