2024-07-16 11:47:47
The first international Olympiad in artificial intelligence will be held in Burgas. 180 students from 37 countries will compete from August 9 to 15 in two rounds. In science, teams will develop new AI models and solve problems that mimic real scientific research. A good performance in this round depends on basic coding skills, knowledge of common in-depth Python learning libraries and an understanding of the basics of machine learning, according to Burgas municipality, co-organizer of the event.
In the practical round, high school students will work with existing AI technologies such as ChatGPT, Dalle-2, etc. The problems require teams to inspect, analyze, and explain scientific questions related to the behavior of running AI software. Teams are given several problems to work on for 2 to 4 hours, with access to one computer connected to the Internet. They interact with the AI software via a GUI as a normal user would, the organizers explain. Participants will also engage in debates on the future of artificial intelligence and the ethical implications, and in hands-on workshops by leading researchers and academics.
Each team consists of 4 students selected through national competitions, and each country is entitled to two teams.
“Artificial intelligence is not taught in the middle course of education systems as a compulsory subject anywhere in the world. In many countries there are various types of extracurricular activities and even competitions, because there they realized that very soon it will enter to an even greater extent and it will be necessary for everyone to have basic concepts of how it works and what it is”, commented Alexander Velinov, chairman of the initiative committee of the Olympiad.