It also recorded a 52-week high of Rs.137.95 and a 52-week low of Rs.52.20. Technically, the stock has moved above the average from its 14-week consolidation (67) and its MACD parameters have also seen bullish.
The company’s CAGR has provided a growth of 70.4% over the last 5 years. More than 2.4 million shares were bought in the first half of the average trading session of more than 100 days.
Today the price of the company rose by 8.04% to Rs.119.40 per share and experts say that the stock will gain further in the coming weeks, so you can add this stock to your watch list.
Pangu Bharat Wire Ropes Ltd. is engaged in the manufacturing of steel wire, wire ropes, strands and slings. General Purpose Ropes, Fishing Ropes, Crane Ropes, Structural Ropes, Elevator Ropes, Mining Ropes, Oil and Gas Ropes, Ship Ropes, Mechanically Spliced Slings, Hand Spliced Ropes, Earth Wires, Stay Wires, . The company has a diverse product mix including hand wires and spun yarns
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