2 cases occur every day

by time news

2023-09-22 22:00:57

When a mother is lost, the development conditions of the children, of the couple, are fractured as it leads to difficult circumstances, dropping out of school, dissolution of the family, and integration into working life at a younger age.
Along with maternal mortality, there are other equally important challenges: combating obstetric violence and strengthening the development of humanized childbirth.
According to the WHO, it is recommended that a maximum of 15% of births be performed by cesarean section.

The maternal mortality It is one of the most urgent issues that must be addressed in the country. In the case of Mexico alone, from 2016 to 2021, 5,099 women died during pregnancy, childbirth and/or the postpartum period. With this, an average of 850 deaths per year is obtained, that is, two per day, stated the academic from the Faculty of Higher Studies (FES) Zaragoza, Juan Carlos Pérez López.

These figures taken from National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi) and the Information Group on Chosen Reproduction show that it continues to be a serious problem in our country. It also represents one of the worst scenarios on a social level because the absence of the mother conditions the breakup of the family unit.

When a mother is lost, the development conditions of the children, of the couple, are fractured as it leads to difficult circumstances, dropping out of school, dissolution of the family, and integration into working life at a younger age.

Next to the maternal mortality There are other equally important challenges: combating obstetric violence and strengthening the development of humanized childbirth.

Attention to these problems is part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the United Nations Organization (UN)since they are related to health strategies and policies aimed at promoting the birth of healthy children and adequate care for women during the reproductive process.

“They are development indicators that tell us how good or bad we are as a nation, it is a good x-ray to know how we are in terms of inequality, access to health.”

In our country, unfortunately, women from indigenous communities and entities such as Chiapas, Oaxaca and Guerrero are the most vulnerable to these obstetric problems, who suffer violence in greater proportion and do not access health units that have trained personnel and the material necessary for your care.

Violation of human rights

Obstetric violence, said the university expert, is the dehumanized treatment they receive during obstetric care. This includes the process of pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium.

In the postpartum period it is related to the placement of contraceptive devices, without your consent; or worse still, with their sterilization.

In contrast, there is humanized birth, which consists of creating a friendly environment for this process, in which the mother and her baby are cared for in decent and clean spaces, with the necessary resources, and that they are not medicated or perform invasive procedures. unnecessary.

Pérez López, also a science teacher, commented that when the Millennium Goals were established, it was proposed that, as part of the improvement in maternal health, fewer cesarean sections would be performed, approximately 15 percent of these procedures per 100,000 live births. This goal was taken up in the SDGs.

“Initially we had indicators of up to 50 percent of births by cesarean section, it was reduced and even remained at 25 percent. The expectation was to reach 22 percent in 2020. However, due to the COVID-19 health emergency there was an alteration in the figures and currently we are between 20 and 22 percent of total births. “We are still far from reaching 15 percent.”

Pérez López highlighted that natural childbirth strengthens the bond between the mother and her child and the immediate attachment, while a cesarean section tends to separate them.

The UNAM academic said that the greatest practice of cesarean sections occurs in private health institutions, where there is no greater control over them. “We are completely sure that it is not practiced in the public environment, unless it is indicated.”

And he added: it involves major surgery, it is an invasive procedure that requires monitoring by several specialists, the anesthesia process and the risks inherent to it.

Also read:

Maternal mortality in Mexico: These are the main causes

Maternal mortality: Every year 4.5 million women die in the world

Maternal mortality: One case occurs every 2 minutes in the world

#cases #occur #day

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